Iran: Trump accuses Iran of tanker attacks after Tehran awarded him the title of "THREAT" | World | New


A few hours after President Trump declared that Washington was "not ready" to reach an agreement with Tehran. Citing a video that would show Iran 's involvement in the attack, he said: "Iran did it and you know it did it because you saw the boat. Iran wrote on it". He added that his administration had not yet calculated their answer, but that it "will not be taken lightly".

The two leaders commented after Japanese Prime Minister Abe's diplomatic visit to Iran, in which he is committed to defusing the tensions enter Washington and Tehran, failed.

Last month, Trump gave Abe permission to mediate between nations, saying the United States was seeking to advance peace talks.

However, this latest development – along with the allegations of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that Iran was behind the attack on two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman – raised concerns about imminent conflict.

The US President said: "Although I greatly appreciate that Prime Minister Abe is going to Iran to meet with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, I personally think it is too early to think of an agreement. .

"They are not ready, and neither are we!"

His words came a few hours after the attack of two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman, a few kilometers from the Iranian shores.

Despite the attacks that took place just as the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamanei, was meeting Prime Minister Abe for peace talks, the United States quickly accused Tehran – without providing any evidence.

Mr. Pompeo said: "It depends on the intelligence, the weapons used, the level of expertise needed to carry out the operation, the recent Iranian attacks against shipping, and the fact that it is not the same. no proxy group operating in the region has the resources and expertise to act. " with such a degree of sophistication. "

The United States then broadcast a blurry video that allegedly said Iran was removing an unexploded mine from an oil tanker – which Mr. Trump referred to in his statements.

Tehran has vehemently denied the accusations, Javad Zarid calling the incident "suspicious" and accusing the United States of trying to "sabotage diplomacy".

At the same time, an Iranian official accused Washington of destabilizing relations between Iran and the international community.

The Supreme Leader also sent a stern message to Washington earlier yesterday, stating, "I do not consider Trump as a person worthy to exchange a message."

Mr. Trump's comments contrast sharply with his somewhat diplomatic speech a few weeks ago.

After meeting with Abe, he said, "Iran is fortunate to be a great country, with the same leadership.

"I really believe that Iran would like to reach an agreement, I think it is very intelligent of them and I think it is possible that this will happen."

Tensions between the two countries have been steadily increasing since the United States withdrew from an international nuclear agreement reducing sanctions against Iran.

They resumed operations early last month when Trump imposed even more sanctions on the struggling nation and strengthened US forces in the region.

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