Is it possible to stay sexually attracted to your spouse throughout your life?


General News of Monday, July 15, 2019



Life Coach and Youth Advisor, Amos Kevin Annan play the videoLife Coach and Youth Advisor, Amos Kevin Annan

Marriage is an institution that requires constant effort, dedication and love. But sometimes, love alone is insufficient.

When couples pledge to "separate us until death", they are subject to different adventures and confrontations.

One of the main challenges is to stay intimate and badually attractive with each other, as they may experience emotional detachment during a given period of time .

They could find their partners badually boring or their features, without charm, and this could lead to another series of events consisting of looking for distractions, looking for multiple romantic relationships or eventually indulging in adultery for pleasure badual.

However, some things could help you conquer the attraction and admiration of your partner. Amos Kevin Annan, life coach and youth advisor, spoke at the wedding seminar hosted by Joy FM Beauty and Bridal Fair in 2019 at the Accra Conference Center (AICC). can bypbad this disturbing phenomenon.

Watch the video below:

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