Is NVIDIA heading for $ 1,000?


In today’s video I watch fundamentals, valuation measures and recent news for NVIDIA (NASDAQ: NVDA) and Advanced micro-systems (NASDAQ: AMD). Below I share some highlights from the video.

  1. Over the past nine days, as of July 9, 2021, NVIDIA has received numerous price target upgrades up to $ 1,000.
  2. NVIDIA still has a solid lead over its competitors according to the Steam Hardware & Software survey of June 2021. Each month, Steam collects data on the type of hardware and software used by its customers. As of June 2021, NVIDIA had around 76% of the Steam customer market and AMD around 15%.
  3. The top 12 graphics cards used by Steam customers represent approximately 48% of its customer market. All of the first 12 are NVIDIA products and are older generations. Three of the 12 are one generation behind and the other nine are two generations behind. Investors can see this as a bullish case, as gamers will need to upgrade their hardware in the future, driving the growth of both AMD and NVIDIA.

Click on the video below for my full thoughts and analysis.

* The stock prices used were the midday prices of July 9, 2021. The video was published on July 9, 2021.

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