Is this proof that Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson have revived their romance?


Prince Andrew and Sarah "Fergie" Ferguson have been the subject of reconciliation rumors for over a year now. The Duke and Duchess of York have always maintained a close friendship, but their relationship has been in the spotlight since their youngest daughter, Princess Eugenie, married Jack Brookbank in October 2018.

Since that day, the royal couple has been seen side by side at many other events, leaving their fans wondering if they would really be together again. Now, a royal observer has weighed in with what could prove that the old couple revived their love.

Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew
Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew Max Mumby / Indigo / Getty Images

What Fergie confessed to being more than friends

Fergie has publicly addressed rumors of reconciliation several times. In April 2019, she issued a statement through the intermediary of her spokeswoman, denying their return.

"The Duke and Duchess remain good friends as they have been for many years and nothing has changed," said his spokesman.

After being spotted at the Royal Ascot in June 2019, discussions about the status of their relationship resumed and Ferguson admitted that they were more than just friends.

"We work in unity and Andrew and I want to be good parents together. We are bigger than friends, "she explained. "We learn from each other, we support each other and understand that communication, compromise and compbadion are at the heart of our concerns."

What sign could confirm their return?

After their joint release at Royal Ascot, The Express spoke with Judi James, a body language specialist. She commented on the appearance of the Duke and Duchess in this room and gave fans hope that she could be back when she spotted a subtle hint about Prince Andrew.

"From the yellow rose of her lapel matched to the color of her dress, to a rather casual body language that always seems strongly repressed, as if one tried to avoid any obvious gift, Prince Andrew and Sarah look much more like "currents" than "exes", "James said the publication.

In addition to Andrew corresponding to his ex-wife, James also stressed how much they wanted to enjoy being in each other's company.

"They seem to avoid eye contact, but the closeness does not seem to be a problem and the raised chin, the warm smile and the splayed feet of Sarah who pose to Andrew suggest trust rather than embarrbadment." Sarah's smile is proud and the prince, sometimes acidic, seems to have fun in his company, "noted James.

Why they will not come back together

Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson
Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson | Max Mumby / Indigo / Getty Images

Although royal fans hope these signs mean they will get back together, this will probably not happen for several reasons.

It has been reported that it is not so much Prince Philip, but now Prince Charles, who really does not stand for Fergie and does not want his brother to remarry her.

But why do they care so much about what Charles thinks? Well, he'll be king someday and apparently have the intention of freezing most of the royal family and making sure that the taxpayer's money supports him, as well as his sons and their wives. Andrew is very worried about this and has already addressed the queen so that he does not try to crease the feathers of his brother.

In addition, the duke and the duchess still live together and could have a romantic relationship under the nose of everyone. Or the arrangement that they have now fits what they want because Ferguson has already stated that they were "the happiest divorced couple in the world".

Read more: Why was Sarah Ferguson allowed to keep her wedding diadem after her divorce while Princess Diana was not

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