Is turkey bacon really healthier than regular bacon? The experts weigh in.


We have a serious problem, America. The bacon is delicious.

To say that charcuterie smoke and smoke is attractive would be a euphemism. However, saying that bacon is bad for you would be a euphemism as well.

The World Health Organization clbadifies processed meat – a category that includes all types of bacon – as a carcinogen, citing "convincing evidence" of its cause in cancer. And earlier this year, a study published in the British Medical Journal found that increased consumption of processed red meat was badociated with higher mortality rates.

So it makes sense that you want to find an alternative to bacon, something less dangerous and almost as satisfying – maybe turkey bacon or meatless bacon. So, let's look at foods that we might think are healthier options.

The nutrition facts below are from the United States Department of Agriculture and the percentages are based on the recommendations of the Food and Drug Administration. Daily values. Do not forget that the numbers below correspond to a slice – and then multiply them accordingly, as we all know that it is almost impossible to eat a single piece of bacon.

Clbadic Bacon: One slice, pan-fried

Turkey Bacon: a slice of turkey Jennie-O

Canadian bacon: One slice, pan-fried

Bacon without meat: a slice

Clbadic Bacon

Many of us grew up with the familiar and alluring aroma of bacon floating in the kitchen. Unfortunately, at least one expert said it was almost like being nostalgic for the harmful fumes of cigarette smoke.

"The problem with traditional pork bacon is that two-thirds of calories come from fat," said Kristen Smith, graduate dietician, MS, RD, LD, of Piedmont Healthcare, Atlanta. And half of that is "saturated fats, which are the type of fat that preoccupies us when we talk about heart disease." manufacturer did the packing.

She warns that bacon is not something you should eat regularly, especially given its designation as a carcinogen.

"The The WHO report clearly indicates that there is no data indicating a "safe" quantity to eat but that the risk increases with increased consumption, "explained Kristin Kirkpatrick, MS, RDN, author and chief dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute.

Dr. Neal Barnard, A professor of medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine has fewer candidates: he should stop eating bacon.

"This is linked to some of the most common and deadly cancers we have," said Barnard, including colorectal cancer and bad cancer. A WHO report showed that daily consumption of bacon increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 18%. And since colorectal cancer is already the second leading cause of cancer death, it is a worrying increase.

"If you want to increase it by 18%, that's a lot," Barnard said.

Then he said bluntly: "The problem we have is that we are with bacon, while we were with tobacco in the 60s".

So it looks like bacon is mostly out. But there must surely be other options that would satisfy and satisfy.

Other bacons

Turkey bacon: it's for when you do not care tasting bacon but want something crisp to complete your eggs.

Unfortunately, you will have to continue your caving in grocery store to find a healthy alternative. Kirkpatrick said that a new study found that "ultra-processed foods" – like turkey bacon – "resulted in weight gain and overeating."

As shown by its nutritional values ​​(see above), the high sodium level of bacon turkey "may pose a risk to hypertensive individuals or certain chronic conditions," Kirkpatrick said.

Then, it is possible that, since you are eating "healthier" bacon, you could eat even more of what is actually carcinogenic and high in sodium.

With turkey bacon, you certainly eat something lower in fat than conventional bacon – but it also contains less protein than its pork brothers. So the solution must be somewhere else … right?

Turkey bacon contains less sodium than conventional bacon. But it's still not particularly healthy, experts say.

Turkey bacon contains less sodium than conventional bacon. But it's still not particularly healthy, experts say.

Canadian bacon certainly likes in good health (read: completely devoid of substantive taste). But it still sizzles in the pan and provides this animal protein that some of us crave.

In this case, there is good news and – as we can expect now – bad news.

Canadian bacon "offers a healthier alternative" to conventional bacon and turkey bacon because it contains less fat and fewer calories, Smith said.

It may be enough to hiss in the alley when you throw packets of Canadian bacon in your basket two at a time. In addition, the fact that it is high in protein means that you will be full longer, which will avoid snacks after breakfast.

But Canadian bacon still contains "a considerable amount of sodium," Smith said, ending the bacon party.

"It's still a dried meat," Barnard warned. "It's clearly and definitely transformed meat and it's badociated with cancer."

"Of course, one solution is simply to cut animal products into food," Kirkpatrick said.

According to Barnard, fake bacon is "much better" for you.

There is no cholesterol, unlike bacon, Barnard said. In addition, it is "substantially less rich in saturated fats, which are the bad fats. The sodium content will vary, some lower, others higher. "

But in terms of cancer, the meat-free alternatives to protein are an obvious win: "When you heat them, they do not produce carcinogenic heterocyclic amines," said Barnard. "There is no connection between these and cancer."

If you're bold enough to go beyond the meat aisle, alternatives like soy, tempeh and wheat gluten are healthier options.

Exceed Bacon

If, as Barnard suggests, eating bacon is as serious as inhaling cigarettes, it would make sense to permanently remove all forms of bacon.

But Smith and Kirkpatrick are a little more generous in their ratings of sizzling goodness than is bacon.

A piece of occasional bacon is not what "makes us overweight and sick," Kirkpatrick said. "Enjoy it, just follow the moderation. And limit to no more than twice a month. "

Smith agrees. "I'm not saying that bacon is a" never "but make something that you may like on weekends," she said. "It's important to remember that all foods are a balanced diet."

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