It does not appear that the controversy will be settled soon


One of the most difficult things to endure in our day is the brutal transparency we are used to in our culture about the idols of pop culture. Some of our most important entertainment icons have been swept away by increasingly courageous accusers who tell cruel truth about badual abuse.

While some still accuse the accusers of lying, it's a lot more complicated with Michael Jackson compared to legends like Bill Cosby. Considering that Jackson is no longer alive and deeply influenced, he logically caused a major break in the fan community.

Will it be settled in the near future? Let's see how that could happen.

It does not help when blacklist legends defend Jackson

That's what I want to heart this morning. I believe and believe that Michael Jackson was and remains an incredible incredible force for me and for many others.

– Mrs. Ross (@DianaRoss) March 23, 2019

An easier way to overcome suspected badual badailants, such as Cosby, is when most people agree on the punishment and how to treat their legacies. With Jackson, we see a bigger gap, with some of the biggest legends of music in his defense.

When Diana Ross and Barbra Streisand defend Jackson's interests, you know it will be difficult to accept what MJ could have done.

It's also painful to think that he badually badaulted children, it's better if we accept it as a fact since the children of the recent HBO documentary Leave Neverland explain their reasoning to change their stories later. Children tell the truth more than adults, and it is best to always realize it.

Before this division of opinion is resolved, it is best to examine Jackson's mental state as an adult.

How was Michael Jackson mentally ill?

If you caught an ABC special last year about Jackson (The last days of Michael Jackson), you may remember how controversial this program was. He had been talking about forgotten conversations with MJ since his late teens, which gave a better indication of his mental state.

There were clearer signs that he had a difficult childhood and seemed to find comfort in the younger ones because he did not trust adults. Could he have developed a mental illness causing him to want to rub elbows with children in a more intimate way?

Sexual abuse should never be forgiven on the basis of semantics. Jackson's disease here could have been different from other pedophiles. Now it may be too complex to understand 10 years after his death.

Because we will probably never know his exact mental state, all that remains to be done is the word of the victims.

Can those close to Jackson reconcile the fact that he has two personalities?

it may be true that he was an incredible incredible force for you and many others, and also an abuser for others. These things are not mutually exclusive.

– Tevye West (@telushk) March 23, 2019

Many commentators in the tweet above Diana Ross have pointed out that she might accept the reality. Jackson was an incredible force for her and others, while being a badual aggressor for these children.

We are beginning to understand that human beings are much more complex in our day than we have ever admitted. Some of the most beloved and famous people may have attractive personalities at first, but do sneaky and underhand things behind the scenes. Now they are taken more often through the franchise and video technology.

In Jackson's case, he probably needed mental health treatment. It is depressing to realize that he has never been diagnosed with receiving such a thing. As he was a superstar with "yes and no" interlocutors, it was probably impossible to get any treatments anyway.

What will ultimately be Jackson's legacy?

You really do not have to be in a hurry to solve the Jackson controversy. Things like this need time to settle before people can make a final decision about their heritage.

Stars like Ross and Streisand may need to treat themselves a little longer before agreeing with a final opinion. However, they can still support MJ because they only saw him on one side.

The best solution is simply to allow people to accept what they have experienced while recognizing what the children have experienced as Streisand said. Since many other icons still with us may have similar conflicting personalities, we may have to start looking at a lot of famous people differently in their lifestyle.

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