IT Ministry wants WhatsApp to give priority to false news on payment service plans


The IT Department wants WhatsApp to prioritize the crackdown on false news on its platform, in the context of lynching incidents that cost the lives of many officials, according to a government official. PTI that WhatsApp's payment service had figured out at Monday's meeting between computer secretary Ajay Prakash Sawhney and WhatsApp's top executives, including the director of Matthew Idema's operation

. the circulation of false messages that provoked lynching incidents in several parts of the country.

The Department is of the view that WhatApp must resolve in priority the outstanding issue of misinformation and take more action to control the rampant abuse of its platform. circulation of false messages.

WhatsApp was told that the fake news number is far more important than other plans in the current circu WhatsApp has not responded to a request by email.

The grievor noted that there were unresolved concerns about Whatsapp's proposed payment service plan, including how and where User data should be stored in the background of RBI's instructions , by requiring that the data be stored in India.

The government wants more clarity on how the storage problem is handled by WhatsApp and these issues are under discussion. this detailed review is also necessary since WhatsApp has a large user base in India.

India is the largest market for WhatsApp with the country representing more than 200 million of its total base of 1.3 billion users.

the Ministry of IT remains enthusiastic about introducing new technologies and new innovations.

WhatsApp has already received two opinions from the Indian government, asking it to propose effective solutions to limit the threat of false news beyond mere labeling

It also warned the company that the media used to the spread of rumors are likely to be considered "accomplices" and may suffer legal consequences if they remain silent spectators. "

WhatsApp responded to the first opinion but has not yet sent reply to the second.

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