Italian journalist impressed by Nana Akufo Addo's leadership


Italian journalist Lorenzo Lamperti and Nana Akufo Addo

Italian journalist Lorenzo Lamperti and Nana Akufo Addo

In addition to what Africans say about the effectiveness of their presidents, there are many ways to know if an African leader is doing well or not, especially if you speak other languages. So, as usual, I visited one of my favorite Italian newspapers to research if I could find an article about Nana Akufo Addo's performance in Ghana.

It did not take five minutes to find an article about Nana Addo, written by an Italian journalist, Lorenzo Lampertientitled "Ghana, stability and independence of France: it is more important than cina. " English translation – Ghana, stability and independence from France: GDP is growing faster than China.

Recently, on the Cathedral issue, I compiled articles written by other foreign newspapers and wrote an article entitled "Foreign media demoralize Nana Addo's credibility", Many were angry at me because I had not cited the sources.The experience is the best teacher that they say, this time I will do it.

According to the journalist Lamperti, not only the problems and poverty, but also, in Africa, democratic development and stability. For example, Ghana is a country outside francophone countries, but its gross domestic product is growing faster than China.

The article written on April 1, 2019 begins with the speech of Nana Akufo Addo, "We can no longer pursue a policy for our countries and regions based on support from the West, France or the European Union. It did not work and it will not work, "said Akufo-Addo at a joint press conference with Macron, visibly surprised by the Ghanaian president's statements."

"It was in December 2017, when Nana Akufo-Addo, President of Ghana, had spoken these words in Accra, one meter from Emmanuel Macron, the French president on institutional visits to African countries," writes Lorenzo Lamperti.

Today, just over two years later, Ghana has left the badistance program of the International Monetary Fund. In its place, as of April 3, the economic program of Akufo-Addo, the "Ghana Beyond Aid", is going on so that Accra can go ahead with its own strength.

Then, the Italian journalist wrote about "Ghana's economic recovery": "Having benefited from a 925.9 million euros credit line, Ghana now seems ready to walk alone. All macroeconomic values ​​are improving, from sustainable public debt to unemployment, and now fall to around 5%.

The latest figures released by the Ghanaian statistical agency show the return to sustained economic growth: in 2017. The annual increase in GDP was 8.5%; in the first three quarters of 2018 at 6.1%.

Over the last few semesters, the inflation rate has also posted a positive dynamic, gradually decreasing compared to the peak reached in March 2016, when the price increase had reached 19.2%. In February 2019, inflation was stopped at 9.2%.

According to the Italian writer, the figures indicating the growth of the economy convinced Nana Akufo Addo not to ask for the extension of the credit program.

Meanwhile, Ghana's GDP is now growing faster than China's. China, according to 2017 data, Ghana is the largest trading partner; with more than two billion dollars in imports and nearly two and a half billion exports, concentrated in the oil and gas sectors.

Meanwhile, France is not even among the top eight trading partners, but lists India, the United States, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, South Africa, the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates, a Unicom for Africa especially for the northwest and the center. areas where the presence of the former French empire is still very present.

The Italian journalist concluded with: The development of Africa is possibleGhana, a former British colony until 1957 and geographically surrounded by so-called French-speaking countries, is an example of how Africa can also bring development.

Ghana 's development stems from the wealth of oil deposits concentrated on its coasts, not to mention that the country is among the world' s leading cocoa producers, since it is at the top of the world 's export ranking. gold.

Unfortunately, in other African countries, the wealth of natural resources is not enough to improve the lives of the people. (He did not explain the reason), but he is satisfied with the democratic stability and security of the country, which currently spares Ghana from terrorism and extremism of all kinds.

Source of the article in Italian: –


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