Italy's far-right league tops EU vote: exit polls


The result will bolster the government's dominance by Interior Minister Salvini after his coalition partner, the Five Star Movement (M5S), has been defeated by a resurrected left-wing Democratic Party (PD). in second place with 21-25%.

Salvini tweeted a picture of himself smiling and holding a sign saying "the supreme holiday in Italy" while he was standing in front of a library containing, among other things, a religious icon and a baseball cap Make America Great Again.

The anti-establishment M5S of Luigi Di Maio garnered between 18.5 and 22.5% of the votes, against 8 to 12% for Forza Italia of the magnate and former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

"The league has probably become the first party in Italy," said Senate group president Riccardo Molinari after the election results were released.

The result for the league was not as high as some had predicted but confirmed the dramatic increase in the party since the formation of a government last June.

The party had only six percent of the vote in the last 2014 European elections.

Instant elections?

Some badysts have predicted that Salvini would like to hold early elections if the league scored high, although he denied it during the campaign.

"In my case, if the League does not win anything changes in Italy, everything will change in Europe from tomorrow," he said earlier Sunday.

In the general elections of March 2018 in the third largest economy of the euro area, the League won only 17% of the vote, while the M5S, which has imposed itself as an honest and respectful alternative from the environment to a corrupt former political guard, was potted. 32 percent.

According to badysts, a good league result – more than 30% – could give Salvini the temptation to give up the M5S for Italy's far-right brothers (who have won five-seven percent Sunday), or a new alliance with the party's historical partner, center-right Forza Italia.

"We do not intend to use this result to put the government in crisis," Molinari said, saying that with M5S, the government coalition held more than 50 percent of the vote.

"Our result gives us more strength to put our themes forward," he said.

Bersluconi, 82, has repeatedly called Salvini to abandon his partner M5S and try to form a government with Forza Italia.

Salvini is presented as the leader of the far right "sovereignists" in Europe. Last weekend he organized a rally in Milan in north-central Italy to gather 12 populist parties, including Frenchman Marie Le Pen and her national rally (RN).

Despite their shared aversion to immigration, multiculturalism, the left and the EU, European populists remain divided over many other key issues, including fiscal discipline, the distribution of migrants and relations with Moscow.

The leader of what was once the separatist Northern League had waged an intense campaign across the country for the European elections, urging his opponents to accuse him of neglecting his ministerial duties.

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