It's never too late to rebuild


Are you over 25 and do you think your body and your health are not helping you anymore?

This is not true, my friends!

Here are the facts.

Your whole body rebuilds completely in less than two years – and 89% in less than 365 days.

Every cell in your body ends up dying and is replaced by a new one.

Liver: This rebuild in six weeks.

· Bones: your body rebuilds a new skeleton every three months.

Brain: it regenerates in one year.

· DNA: it is renewed every two months.

· Stomach: the lining of this body is rebuilt in five days.

· Skin: This rebuilds in one year.

· Blood: This is rebuilt in four months.

Although we are getting older, sometimes the new version is not as good as the original version.

Take the skin, for example.

We know that wrinkles become less firm and that we lose collagen during the aging process.

But every day is a new opportunity to rebuild your body.

And the sooner you start the sooner you will get results.

This phenomenon, combined with a healthy diet to feed the system and an activity to strengthen it, will work 100% for you.

I put my reputation on it.

Miracle treatment?

Put it like that.

If I gave you a facial cream that absolutely guaranteed that your skin would look and feel rejuvenated for two years, you would use it, is not it? Or, if I recommended a savings account that gave you 15% interest on your balance, you would open one, yes?

Or if I could see the future and tell you the winning numbers of the lottery, you would buy a ticket, would not you?

So why, when I tell people how to make their bodies look younger and fit, people continue to ignore, stick to their "diets", replace real foods with "Shakes" and sit in front of the TV instead of becoming active?

It's hard, I hear you say.

No it is not. You simply decide to make a change. Start small. Get help.

Losing weight with just one diet is not just extremely unhealthy.

It's actually damaging.

As I said in my last article, diets are dead.

A simple diet and reduced calories will cause physical, emotional and / or physiological damage.

Not only that, it's boring.

To lose weight, you have to eat better and move more.

This may not even involve too much of this.

We know that the best way to improve the power of your brain, for example, is to combine activity and learning a new skill.

A group of people aged 60 and over started attending a drawing course for life. Going there, standing while shooting, becoming more adept with the fingers and the brain, has greatly increased the power of their brain and their physical abilities.

Their backs became stronger and their bodies in better shape.

Improvements such as these would help prevent as many life-threatening diseases as heart disease and diabetes.

This is what I say.

You do not have to go to the gym to be in better shape and healthier.

You just need to get up and do something!

If you need help, call me at [email protected] and we will review your options.

Much of what I do costs nothing.

Follow me on Facebook … we're doing some really cool stuff on my Noelle Watson Fitness page right now.

I hope to see you there!

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