Ivermectin Doesn’t Work for Covid-19, But Online Reviews Are Spreading False Information


Amid a culture war over the use of ivermectin to prevent or treat Covid-19, the FDA couldn’t be clearer: don’t do it, their advice says.

Not only are large doses of ivermectin dangerous, studies have shown that Covid-19 patients taking ivermectin do not get any benefit and can sometimes get worse, not improve.

Still, the demand for the antiparasitic drug is booming. In late August, the CDC reported that retail pharmacies had issued 88,000 prescriptions for ivermectin in the week ending August 13, 2021, up from a previous high of 39,000 in early January 2021 and a weekly average before the pandemic of 3,600.

Despite warnings not to take or prescribe ivermectin for Covid-19 because it doesn’t work, people are getting it from somewhere.

A Google search for “how do I get a prescription for ivermectin” brings up an ad for Push Health, a California-based telemedicine platform. The ad reads: “Prescribing Ivermectin Online – No Office Visit Required. Neither the ad nor the ivermectin page on the site actually mentions Covid-19. Users fill out a request form, providing health information, and the site states that a licensed healthcare professional will review the request.

A Google ad for Seven Cells, another telemedicine company that fills prescriptions, promotes online visits and fast shipping of ivermectin. Once on the site, a link at the top of each page reads: “LOOKING FOR IVERMECTINE?” CLICK HERE.”

In an “Important Safety Information” section, the Seven Cells Ivermectin page recognizes that taking ivermectin for Covid-19 is considered off-label use of the drug and that patients should follow their prescriber’s instructions. The site also states: “The FDA has not reviewed data to support the use of ivermectin in COVID-19 patients to treat or prevent COVID-19; however, some initial research is underway.

Other online pharmacies have helped promote Ivermectin at reduced prices. A Google search for “ivermectin discount” returns several online pharmacy ads promoting ivermectin, including several promising discounts of up to 80%.

A link to SingleCare ivermectin discounts appears in the search for “ivermectin discount”, but not in a paid ad.

“SingleCare gives consumers free access at consistently low prices on FDA approved drugs and our ads reflect how we are helping people save up to 80% on their prescriptions,” said a spokesperson for SingleCare in a press release. “This includes ivermectin, which we have always advertised because it is prescribed by doctors for legitimate clinical benefits, including the treatment of head lice and parasitic worms.”

The statement went on to say that the company supports the FDA’s recommendation against the use of ivermectin as a treatment for Covid-19.

Despite the abundance of online pharmacy ads, some companies now appear to be reducing their promotion of ivermectin.

Online pharmacy Honeybee Health ran a banner ad promoting low-cost ivermectin, running at the top of the site, along with ads for supplements, Viagra and an HIV drug. The advertisement for ivermectin has since been withdrawn. Honeybee did not respond to an email request for comment.

Amazon’s algorithm is said to have pushed ivermectin based on user research, according to CNBC. It now includes an alert on its ivermectin page that reads, “The FDA advises against the use of ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19,” with a link to read more directly from the FDA.

It’s not just telehealth companies and online pharmacies that are helping fuel the ivermectin frenzy. Patients themselves are spreading misinformation through online reviews.

For example, patient reviews of the drug on the Honeybee site promote a range of unproven benefits of ivermectin, from safety to effectiveness in preventing or treating Covid-19.

“It’s completely safe! »A customer review read. “I have this medicine on hand in case I need it. I have read so many reviews from doctors that I know it works.

Another said: “All the medical studies that I have read… are excellent.

Several verified customers of Honeybee have described rapid disappearance of symptoms of Covid-19 or gradual improvements on ivermectin. One user said he and his wife had not been and would not be vaccinated, but were given ivermectin to avoid having to go to the emergency room if they were infected.

These claims are not based on the science or the data available on ivermectin.

On Drugs.com, a drug information site, user reviews of ivermectin for Covid-19 included a report from a woman who attributed ivermectin to keeping her and her husband alive although they became “very sick” with Covid-19 even after taking ivermectin.

“I think IVERMECTINE helped us survive this horrible virus! This user wrote, although she only gave ivermectin to four out of ten.

But just as consumers can inappropriately influence others to trust an unproven treatment for Covid-19, they also offer warnings.

“My husband (48) and I (44) took ivermectin trying to protect ourselves from Covid. The side effects were awful, ”wrote one user on Drugs.com. Stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, blurred vision and dizziness were among the symptoms the couple are said to have experienced. And they both caught Covid-19 anyway.

“I don’t recommend taking ivermectin – it hasn’t stopped us from catching Covid and we are still very sick with Covid,” she wrote.

His assessment of ivermectin? One out of ten.

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