Ivorian guitarist celebrates Kofi Annan's legacy


Animations of Sunday, July 7th, 2019

Source: Graphic.com.gh


Constant Boty Constant Boty

There is no doubt that the late United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has made many lives with his work. One of these people is the Ivorian jazz guitarist and composer Constant Boty, who celebrates the great man's legacy. on his next album entitled Comme ci, comme ça.

Kofi Annan, the seventh secretary general of the UN, served from January 1997 to December 2006 and was a Nobel Peace Laureate in 2001. He died last year in Beijing. 80 years old.

For Constant Boty, it is necessary to pay tribute to the man who embodied humility and whose desire to see a better world inspired his indefatigable diplomacy, while providing solutions to hunger and disease.

The album Like this, like that of 12 tracks is the second album of Constant Boty and is produced by Mevicon Services, a concierge company based in Ghana.

It is co-produced by the Mauritian Jacques Jolicoeur aka Dj Imhotep.

Like this, as it was recorded at Conveyor NYC Studios in Brooklyn, New York, and to make this album, Constant Boty has worked with a number of world-renowned musicians from different parts of the world.

Among them, the legendary Ghanaian drummer Okyerema Asante with percussion; Master of jazz piano, Benito Gonzalez (Venezuela); Heather Maxwell (United States), jazz singer; legendary jazz bbadist Lonnie Plaxico (USA); Saxophonist, Kris Allen (United States); drummer Luiz Santos (Brazil) and drummer Daniel Prim (Venezuela).

Others are jazz clarinettist Oran Etkin (Israel), winner of a Grammy, percussionist Nkumu Katalay (DR Congo); the drummer, Franscisco Mela (Cuba); Jazz singer Maiko Hata (Japan) and drummer Daniel Freedman (Israel).

New York-based Ghanaian director Kobina Johnson and engineers Jason Berisof and Andrew Sharon of Conveyor NYC Studios recorded the project, while American Jazz bbadist / sound designer Michael Pope was responsible for the mix and mastering.

Some of the songs from the album are as follows: Like this, Guru Guru, My People, Love at first sight, Sun of the day, Venus in Gemini, Mankalo, Shine on Kofi Annan, Sun of the day and Give me the night.

Constant Boty, will tour West Africa in December in countries such as Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire and Nigeria, and visit the United States and Europe next year.

He is in talks with the Kofi Annan Foundation to collaborate and pay tribute to the global icon on August 18, the anniversary of his death. Like this, As it will be on the market from August 18th.

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