Jai Courtney on the pelicans game in "Storm Boy", "Alita", cameo


  • In "Storm Boy", Jai Courtney has the chance to show off her acting skills.
  • In the film, inspired by the beloved Australian children's book, Courtney plays "Hideaway Tom", who lives with her son Michael (Finn Little) in a deserted coastline on the Southern Ocean.
  • Courtney spoke to Business Insider about his role in working with real pelicans.
  • He also talked about his appearance in "Alita: Battle Angel" and his return to Captain Boomerang's role in James Gunn's "The Suicide Squad".

Jai Courtney is famous for her action films like the franchise "Divergent", "Terminator Genisys" and "Suicide Squad". But the actor hopes that playing in the latest adaptation of a beloved Australian children's book will prove that he has the opportunity to play more than just tough roles.

"Storm Boy" (at the movies Friday) is a clbadic of the native Australia of Courtney. Written by Colin Thiele in 1964, it is to be read nationwide in elementary schools and was adapted to become a feature film in 1976. The story tells the story of a young boy who lives on a remote coast of the Southern Ocean with his father, known as "Hideaway Tom." In the latest adaptation, director Shawn Seet plays Courtney in the role of Hideaway Tom, in which he embodies the character with a powerful vulnerability that he never showed on screen.

The film is based on the relationship between Tom and his son Michael (Finn Little) and the pelicans they raise after the death of the mother of the pelicans by a hunter (the pelicans of the film have been trained since birth to play the role principal in this film). In fact, one of the most moving moments is when Hideaway Tom opens his soul on his relationship with his son to one of the pelicans.

Business Insider told Courtney about her work on real pelicans, her journey to find more diverse roles to play, why he accepted Jashugan's short role in "Alita: Battle Angel", and s & # He would return for the "Suicide Squad" directed by James Gunn.

Jason Guerrasio: Looks like you grew up in Australia, you knew the 1976 movie and the book when you were a child.

Jai Courtney: A large part of my generation and even our parents were so familiar with this story. It's an iconic piece of Australian literature. And it's actually still on the school curriculum. At least in New South Whales, where I come from. And I'm sure some other areas.

Guerrasio: It's one of those books that all Australian children grew up with?

Courtney: Exactly. Everyone has a relationship with her. And the original film, I remember that it was the thing that the professor would put at the end of the session to put somehow the clock.

Guerrasio: What you put at the end of the day on a Friday.

Courtney: Yeah.

Guerrasio: So, boy, what did you think of the character of Hideaway Tom?Courtney: It's interesting to see it through the lens of a child, Hideaway felt a little more grizzly – a little more naughty. Different from the way I approached the material now. I realized that at the time I was much more in tune with the way Michael had seen his father. We have not explored this adaptation, but the love aspect is undeniable. But I do not think Hideaway is like that to such an extent that the relationship with Michael is broken. He is not mean with his child, but he is in his own world and it is a different kind of love. It's a father and son of the 1950s who have sunk in the margins of society, fleeing the injustices of the world, and I think that changes Hideaway's emotions.

Guerrasio: Seeing that you're better known for action movies, did you have to sell to the director and producers a chance to play a character like Hideaway?

Courtney: They came to see me, so that was good. I know I did a lot, but I was actively looking for things that could change that mold a bit, and I think the producers recognized it and wanted to try their luck. It was really interesting to play a father.

Guerrasio: Is it difficult to find a dramatic role like this one that does not have a firearm or a criminal aspect?

Courtney: Yes, you are probably right. Convincing people that I am the person for this job can sometimes be a little more complicated, but it's a balance. Sometimes you go out for that and it does not happen. And I love to shoot em up s — too. You want to somehow change the landscape from time to time, and if I can continue to do so, I will be happy. And I think that as my work progresses, I think people will be able to accept that more.

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Guerrasio: Finn Little is great, you have a really talented young actor in front of you in this movie, but we have to talk about working with pelicans. How was it?

Courtney: [[[[Laughs.]It was interesting.

Guerrasio: And was Shawn honest with you when you got the job and told you that it involved working with animals?

Courtney: I was happy because I thought that with something like that, they were going to do everything in CGI. You can create such credible things these days. And when I talked to Shawn, he said, "No, we're going live-action at 99%." So, I was excited about it. I know what's going on in this kind of work. I've already worked with horses at the movies. I mean, these birds were bred as chicks for this movie. The film adopted them and they were brought up to do it.

Guerrasio: So they raised them for this role?

Courtney: Yes, they did it.

Guerrasio: Wow. I mean, there's a touching scene in this movie where Hideaway Tom sits on a porch and has a heart to heart with a pelican.

Courtney: [[[[Laughs.]

Jai Courtney with one of the pelicans raised specifically to play in "Storm Boy".
Good entertainment action

Guerrasio: How was this scene?

Courtney: It was crazy because these are just huge animals. And when they want a treat, a piece of fish, to play on the screen, they can enter your face. These beaks broke on them. We have all caught one from time to time.

Guerrasio: This is not the only time we see you in a movie this year. You were in "Alita: Battle Angel" playing Jashugan, who in manga is a legend of the motorcycle world. But we only have a brief overview of your role in the film. What Robert Rodriguez said is a joke to introduce your character, then, in a sequel, Jashugan would be more targeted. Was that how it was presented to you?

Courtney: It was interesting. I had gone to read for another party. I think I actually read two or three parts. He and I got to know each other a little bit and we tried to see if there was a way for me to integrate with the movie. It did not work out, but he called me when they were in production and told them, "This role is a bit small on paper, but if that thing explodes, I need somebody on who can I count when? we revisit it. "And I was like," F-dude, of course! "For Robert Rodriguez, I'll go there and do it.I did great things about the green screen, but it was bewildering to see how James Cameron's team works.I thought the scene in which I was was a visual masterpiece.But I have no idea of what the future holds for that.I just tackle it totally with zero expectations.If I get the call again then fantastic.

Guerrasio: But for now, nobody has yet communicated with anything.

Courtney: Yes, I have no idea. I do not know what their plans are. Honestly, it was a little fun for me. I did not invest too much in the idea. But it would be fun to do it again.

Jai Courtney in the role of Captain Boomerang in "The Suicide Squad" in 2016.
Warner Bros.

Guerrasio: What will you do with your involvement in James Gunn's "The Suicide Squad"? Will you be part of it?

Courtney: I'll go. We are preparing to shoot in a few months. I can not reveal much else about it, but yes, you will definitely see Boomerang again.

Guerrasio: It's great. With these reports on people leaving and James thinking about different characters, it's a good thing. This makes me happy.

Courtney: So I am a man, I am happy. It's gonna be fun. It will be different, of course, but it will be great.

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