Jai White: The American actor talks about the negative reaction to Ghana's visit


During the recent pilgrimage to Ghana, I shared with friends a new title given to me by the king of Akwamu. There have been some interesting negative reactions from the black community.

Although the positives far outweigh the negatives, today I choose to focus on the negatives because I think it is very useful to study this state of mind to provide moments conducive to learning.

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We Black Americans have been raised to hate our people and ourselves. Self deprivation is deeply embedded in our subconscious. We have comforted ourselves by calling ourselves derogatory names and sabotaging our own progress because we are convinced that we are unworthy of the same things as whites or other nations. When Jews visit the Holocaust Museum or Israel, or the Irish and Italian Americans visit their country, there are ZERO the negative reactions of their communities and external communities. Ask yourself:


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This is not just other blacks; he brings comments from other communities that mysteriously seem to have the right to play too!

"Negative comments like; "Who do these Ni'ers think they are? They celebrate slavery! Africans were also accomplices of slavery! This is just a pub shot! They just want attention! etc. "Why all this hate? Why do people care so much? It's as if we had threatened them … AND WE HAVE! We threatened them, as well as other blacks, to think us better, so to themselves!

We black Americans are ABSOLUTELY thinking negatively about being connected to our homeland because that is how we were conditioned to think! We are SUPPOSED to think; Africa was only slavery when only a very small part of the continent was even involved in the slave trade. We are AFFECTED to see Africa primarily as "hungry people and jungles".

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We can call ourselves African Americans, but we are really disconnected from Africa. I say WE because I am not excluded! I thought "my people" came from South Carolina, what I see now, is as stupid as a Chinese man who says his people are from Ohio! I followed my heritage South Carolina was only a small part of my people's journey that started in Ghana, a place that had kings long before Europe had theirs. For me, being surrounded by Akwamu's King Odeneho Kwafo Akoto III is far more relevant than if I were ennobled by Queen Elizabeth, whose royal lineage does not go back so far. Ghana is the eighth African country I have visited. They have all been incredibly beautiful, with clbady and highly educated people who speak more languages ​​than us.

Those of us who felt "somehow" can perhaps begin to direct their anger at these orchestrators who made you hate who you are – those who would find comfort in hating you and your own people. would find it threatening to unite you with your people in solidarity. I believe that the original culprits have been dead for a long time, but their policies are alive and well. Please, ask yourself; if Mark Wahlberg or Ben Affleck returned to their heritage site, would that interest you? They have a country that loves them and kisses them. WE HAVE AN ENTIRE CONTINENT WHO LOVES AND WE EMBRACE!

In Africa, a voice commands him to look around him. The voice: "Do you see negroes?" He answers softly "No". The voice: "Do you know why, because there is none?" – Richard Pryor.

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