Jenelle Evans and Cheyenne Floyd exchange hits on Twitter


Jenelle Evans does not manage to stop creating a drama when it comes to ladies Teen mom and Teen Mom 2. After the arrest of Amber Portwood over the weekend, Evans made him a serious shadow the OG member of the cast. But Portwood is not the only one to have an ox against theTeen Mom 2 star.

Cheyenne Floyd showed her support to her compatriot Teen Mom OG actor, prompting Evans to comment and remove tweets criticizing Floyd, Portwood and all Teen mom universe.

In a deleted tweet quoting David Eason apparently, Jenelle criticized Ford and Portwood.

(Photo: Jenelle Evans / Twitter)

"The alcoholic has retweeted the racist who comments on the attacker," reads Evans' message.

This sparked a fiery response from Floyd who called Evans directly and included Eason.

"Coming from the real racist, dog killer, badailant and honestly the most unstable person I attended." GREAT DECLARATION, " Ford wrote on Twitter. "[Get] keep ALL of your children and stay out of court before talking about me. "

Evans then fought back in another deleted tweet that was quickly captured by fans.

"Cheyanne should be the last to speak when she has no idea what she's talking about – not even a real GO", the ex-girlfriendTeen mom wrote and added a facepalm emoji at the end.

(Photo: Jenelle Evans / Twitter)

The back and forth continued, Floyd taking again and telling Evans not to use her husband as a shield.

"[Don’t] come and get me unless you can save it …, stand up, do not use your idiot, my husband. I am not the one. Floyd said, cheering its followers on social media.

Evans then retweeted the answer before deleting again, calling Floyd a replacement on the Teen Mom OG series.

(Photo: Jenelle Evans / Twitter)

"Always including yourself in the drama of someone else." I'm surprised that even Maci is engaging in that. "You act as if I were afraid of talk to you, do not talk to me, you're only a substitute, "writes Evans. concluding with the hashtag unimportant.

Floyd quickly replied to Evans saying that she had been "fired" from the series, wondering where that would lead her.

All of these were removed from Evans' conversation side, which caused many people to treat him as cowardly for suppressing messages and sharing superficial statements against someone online. Others have wondered why the former reality TV star would stir the pot so soon after regaining custody of her kids.

For Evans, this could explain why she suppresses tweets, one of them referring to a "reason" that she suppresses. She also plays innocent when it comes to knowing why gossip always turns around her.

(Photo: Jenelle Evans / Twitter)

"One would think that I would not be the subject of everyone's conversation since I'm not sure[[[[Teen mom]more, but they stick to it, "Evans wrote.

It's safe to say that most fans did not buy it, pointing out that Evans had started the drama with Portwood and Floyd while wondering why she was not spending time with her kids.

"You would think of staying out of social media and spending time with the kids you lost for a month" a reviewer wrote, echoing other critics.

"Shit, she has found her children for 5 minutes and she is already ridiculing on social networks" another wrote.

As for Floyd, his supporters strongly support her while telling her not to waste time with the old Teen mom.

Even though she was fired, it's clear that Evans has not given up on being in the limelight. It only remains to be seen when he is going to turn against him.

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