Jessa Duggar brilliantly comes captioned from an Instagram message to shut those who make her ashamed


We've been watching the Duggar family for years, and through social media and shows like TLC Counting onWe never miss a beat when it comes to a lot of older Duggar siblings. The family has many favorite fans, but fans have always enjoyed hearing about Jessa Duggar's life. Now married to Ben Seewald with two sons, Jessa is currently pregnant with her third baby and fans love to hear about how she chooses to educate her children and all the details of her next child. If some Duggar fans take root, it's Ben and Jessa.

It does not seem like everyone is a fan of Jessa's parenting, though. The mother is constantly criticized online – although recently she had the ideal legend to fight any potential hatred. Here is what she said.

Jessa Duggar is no stranger to mom's online shame

Jessa certainly has her fans, but many others who know her and her family are not afraid to criticize her either. Romper reminds us that the Duggar has always been criticized for her dirty house and that she has received a particularly special reaction for a video of her youngest son, Henry, trying out a new food. The food appeared like a popcorn, which scared the fans. "Is not he a little young for popcorn," commented one, and another, reproaching Jessa: "Babies can choke on popcorn. Why would you let him have that?

This is far from the only criticism she has received, of course. When she allowed her eldest son, Spurgeon, to bottle feed at the age of 2, many parents noticed that many quickly attacked and claimed that her son was way too old for such behavior. Some came to his defense, of course, but the damage was already done. And there have been other moments in the past when, besides the fact that his fans called him a disgusting house, they also called him "unhealthy" parenting choices.

She recently posted this picture with a spiritual legend

Fans usually love when Jessa publishes photos and videos of her sons Spurgeon and Henry. She recently added a series of photos of her sons to her Instagram account, showing them exploring the bed of a truck. The two brothers felt like they were having a good time and good health – and although a sleeping truck might not be the perfect place for young children, it's clear that Jessa is watching closely. She said, "They spent 20 minutes picking up all the pebbles they could find and throwing them into the yard. I thought that these pictures of the brothers were too cute not to be shared!

At the end of the post, she also immediately shut down any shame that she might have received. "P.S. Yes, we are barefoot and we stayed away from the barbed wire, and he failed to keep the precious nail he found, "she wrote. "There's better going." Many Jessa fans seemed to love the way she has mastered hate even before she starts. "I love the way you shoot down enemies. to make you and be the best mom you are, "commented a fan.

Jessa's once threw back her enemies

Jessa has proven that she does not let online critics reach her. In fact, this is not the first time that she has been renouncing her messages to prove that she knows exactly how to raise her children. When she was criticized for feeding Spurgeon with a bottle, for example, she went to Instagram to explain herself. "It's my boy! Yes, he is 22 months old. Yes, he drinks water in a cup and yes, he still prefers to drink a lot of his milk / kefir from his bottle – especially before the nap / bedtime, "she wrote." So now, you have it. If you are feeling anxious about this, share your wisdom and perfect parenting tips in the comments below. "

Jessa's also defended her sisters. D & # 39; AGREEMENT! The magazine reminds us that Joy-Anna Duggar was ashamed of not being there for her son's first birthday, and Jessa applauded in return. "My daughter, I know you are coming home to celebrate Gideon's birthday, but seriously, even if you stay away one more day, it's not like he's going to be there." knew you were celebrating late, "added Jessa. "I've always joked that first birthday parties are more for parents than for kids."

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