Jessa Duggar just gave us a powerful tip for parents


Anyone with young children knows that this is a major challenge. Although they are filled with love and there is nothing more important than they on the planet, they can also be extremely difficult at times. Jessa Duggar recently posted a video of her son on Instagram and reminded everyone of something incredibly valuable as a parent.

Duggar Girls
Jessa Duggar, left, has three children. | Ida Mae Astute / Walt Disney Television via Getty Images

Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald have three children

Duggar and Seewald were one of the first Duggar couples to get married. The two men got married in 2014 and did not waste time having children. The couple will celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary this fall and have welcomed three children over the past five years. They have two older boys, Spurgeon and Henry, and the two recently welcomed their first daughter, Ivy Jane, in May. Duggar had some problems with his third birth, but all the children are in good health. Now she is focusing solely on the best mother possible. And she recently posted a video on Instagram about how she raises her kids.

Duggar recently released a video reminding people to encourage their children's excitement

Duggar went on Instagram to share a video of his eldest son, Spurgeon, helping him to vacuum in the family room. In the video, he does his best to help him clean, although it is clear that he has trouble managing a device of this size. However, Duggar lets him go and decides to film him doing his best to keep their family room clean. "Yes, it can take 5 times longer than if I did it myself, but they find it exciting to help and give a hand," she wrote in the caption. "We must absolutely encourage this and not silence the excitement." She went on to stress how important it is for children to learn these tasks and one day to do them themselves.

See this post on Instagram

There is a window of time in the toddler years where little ones become eager to help. It's so nice to see their excitement if they are allowed to take on important tasks – do not pretend to "help", but really do something that helps the whole family. Playing together is fun, but even cleaning can be fun if we do it together. There is a sense of importance, belonging and being necessary. Sometimes, as a mother, I have to take a break and remember it. Yes, it can take 5 times longer than if I did it myself, but they find it exciting to help and give a hand. We must absolutely encourage this and not calm the excitement. Spurgeon wanted to suck the mat this morning, so I showed him how to start, and then he took over. I gaped at this little determined man. After 10 minutes of roundabout and stop to inspect the missed places, it was impeccable! Wipe the table, put away the toys, put the ingredients and mix them in a bowl, grab a diaper for the baby, load spoons and cups into the dishwasher – they are eager to participate. As they show an interest in household chores, it is less necessary to send them to play, but rather to bring them to our side and involve them in what we do. At the beginning, the tasks will be joint or will require all our supervision, but before we know it, they will be older, competent and able to perform these tasks themselves – and do them well. My mother modeled this beautifully. "There is a window of time where they are eager to help. Capture it. Do not kill him. "☺️❤️

An article shared by Jessa Seewald (@jessaseewald) on

Fans loved Duggar's approach to parenting

When Duggar posted the picture, the fans could not agree more. "Keep going, mom, you're doing well," wrote a fan. "Start em [sic] young people take care of their home, they wear it later, commented another user. People then shared how their children learned from their children or parents. People praised Duggar's patience with his son and found that his advice was very valuable. But Duggar, just like other members of his family, is still learning the ropes of parenting.

Many Duggars are new parents

Duggar is one of the most experienced parents among
Duggar children. Most of them are
just start
learn the tricks of a child's care. Duggar has
three other children, but his other sisters, Jill, Joy and Jinger, have only
one or two. Everyone knows that parenting skills can be difficult, but
fortunately, all the Duggars helped each other (plus their own parents)
to get by. It is clear that Duggar is doing his best to raise his three children,
and the fans seem to support it.

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