Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever – Nana Appiah Mensah breaks the silence


General News of Wednesday, April 10, 2019



Nana Appiah Mensah Zylofon Director General of Media Nana Appiah Mensah

The boss of Zylofon Media, Nana Appiah Mensah, known as NAM1, disappeared and dumb for some time, breaks her silence since the Menzgold.

The Menzgold C.E.O was reportedly detained in Dubai, where he was fighting a court case over a bad case.

Before Nana Appiah Mensah was reported missing in Ghana, disgruntled clients of her gold distribution company took to the streets to protest with their stolen money, after the Securities and Exchange Commission ordered the closure of Menzgold.

Breaking his silence, Zylofon's media officer went to his instinctive instinctive page to post a picture of himself with a message expressing his gratitude to God, which also indicates that the business mogul might have to be a winner somewhere.

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. # JehovahConnaissances # JehovahSees # PRAISETHELORD", he subtitled his post.

Nana Appiah's message after 35 minutes has collected about 2,800 "likes" and hundreds of comments from her supporters and supporters.

It is unclear whether NAM1 has finally arrived in Ghana to solve problems related to his business, but some fans hope something happens while others are convinced that his post indicates that he has won his trial in Dubai.

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