Jillian Michaels says restrictive diets are "never needed" to lose weight


Photo credit: Nicholas Hunt - Getty Images
Photo credit: Nicholas Hunt – Getty Images

From Delish

  • Jillian Michaels has ruled against restrictive diets in a new interview with the Daily Mail.

  • The former coach "Biggest Loser" says that restrictive diets are "never needed" to lose weight.

  • Instead, she recommends understanding the calculation of simple calories and eating healthy.

Fitness guru Jillian Michaels has never been a fan of the keto diet, but now she denounces restrictive diets of all kinds.

In an interview with the Daily mailJillian says that restrictive diets are not the best way to lose weight. "I would say it's never needed," she says. "I took the most unhealthy people with all the diseases related to obesity and health and I reversed them with common sense, a healthy diet and a reasonable and consistent fitness program."

Jillian encourages people who want to lose weight to address other aspects of their lives before going on a restrictive diet. "People with weight problems must already overcome the emotional and psychological components of being overweight, and adding an extremely restrictive and unsustainable diet is a recipe for disaster," she says.

Watch Jillian Michaels' infamous speech against the keto diet:

Instead, Jillian said to the Daily mail The two key elements of weight loss are 1) understanding simple calorie intake calculations versus calories consumed, and 2) attention to the ingredients of your foods.

From a nutritional perspective, Jillian is a big supporter of healthy eating and a healthy, balanced routine. She has already said Women's health that she starts each morning with a cup of Joe. "I always coffeeineate first thing, "she said. In fact, coffee has a ton of antioxidants and polyphenols, that is why its benefits have been linked to the improvement of cognitive function, heart health, physical performance, the reduction of risk of liver disease, and it can even help with type 2 diabetes. "

In addition to coffee, she prepares the day with about 500 calories of breakfast; a quarter of his daily calorie intake. "I aim for a relatively homogeneous blend of complex and healthy carbohydrates, protein and polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fat."

Although she is not on a diet, Jillian likes to swap extra carbohydrates for healthier choices, using lettuce as a bun or making zoodles instead of pasta. "If you fancy pasta, the key is whole grain, go organic farming and incorporate it into a balanced diet," she said.

Aside from her meals, Jillian keeps a supply of high-protein, low-carb snacks if she wants to eat at mid-day. "I always keep food with me and to do that, most of my go-tos are take-out options," she said. Women's health, like organic charqui, trail blends, nut butter sachets with fruit.

Most importantly, Jillian encourages her clients to take care of themselves. "You are worthy and deserving," she said. "Treat yourself to the love, care and kindness with which you treat your children."

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