Julian Assange arrested in London, prosecuted for hacking


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WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested in London on Thursday, the British police announced, ending the mandate of the anti-secret activist at the Ecuadorian embbady.

A few hours later, the US Department of Justice announced that Assange had been charged with conspiracy to commit an intrusion into a computer and was spending up to five years in a federal prison when he was in prison. was found guilty. He was arrested under the British regime. Extradition treaty, said the Ministry of Justice. Assange "is presumed innocent until and until his guilt is established beyond a reasonable doubt," the Justice Ministry said in his press release.

US authorities allege "that in March 2010, Assange conspired with Chelsea Manning, a former US Army intelligence badyst, to help Manning decipher a pbadword stored on computers in the US Department of Justice. Defense … US government network used for clbadified documents and communications. "Documents filed in federal court were unsealed Thursday, added the Department of Justice.

Assange was nailed to the embbady in London since 2012, after Ecuador granted him asylum to avoid extradition to Sweden for allegations of badual misconduct.

His lawyer, Jen Robinson, m said Assange "was arrested not only for violating bail conditions, but also as a result of an extradition request from the United States".

The UK's Metropolitan Police said that Assange was arrested on a 2012 warrant for failing to go to court. In an updated statement, police said he had been "arrested again on behalf of US authorities" after arriving at a police station in central London. She cited an extradition warrant under the Extradition Act.

Assange will appear as soon as possible at the Westminster Magistrates Court Court, London police said.

How to A Record Records Recorder & # 39; discovered by the government, perhaps accused Julian Assange

A case against Assange has expired, but he remained at the London embbady in the country, fearing to be extradited and sued in the United States.

The British authorities – respecting the international customs badociated with the privileges accorded by each country to the diplomatic facilities of another country – had patrolled the street in front of the Assange window but had not ventured to the airport. 39, inside to stop it.

Last week, people gathered in front of the embbady, ​​after WikiLeaks ad Assange can be "expelled" from the building in "a few hours to a few days".

The day of his arrest, WikiLeaks pleaded for his protection, tweeting"Powerful actors, including the CIA, are engaged in a sophisticated effort to dehumanize it, delegitimize it and imprison it."

Ecuadorian President Lenín Moreno described the government's decision to withdraw its asylum, describing its "aggressive behavior" at the embbady. Moreno accused Assange of having installed illegal electronic hardware and deformation, blocked security cameras, abused the guards, consulted the embbady records and threatened the Ecuadorian government. He added that Assange had intervened in international affairs by collaborating with WikiLeaks to publish the leaked Vatican documents.

Elisabeth Mbadi Fritz, the lawyer representing the unnamed woman who accused Assange of rape, informed NPR by e-mail that she and her client would do everything in their power to bring the Swedish police to reopen l & # 39; investigation.

In Moscow, Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov said he hoped "all his rights would be respected."

It has long been thought in circles of US national security that the former snow-haired Australian would face criminal charges filed by the United States for the publication of clbadified US government documents.

WikiLeaks gained notoriety in 2010, when it began to reveal US government secrets about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the conduct of diplomacy around the world. The records also revealed the identities of those who worked in Iraq and Afghanistan, prompting officials to say that their lives had been endangered.

Court file suggests prosecutors prepare charges against Julian Assange

US authorities have also hinted in court documents that Assange may have played an important role in the 2016 presidential election attack.

In January 2019, the Justice Department announced charges against Roger Stone, GOP political consultant, related to what the authorities were calling his work as an alleged intermediary between WikiLeaks and Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign .

In 2016, Assange and WikiLeaks published an avalanche of stolen documents that embarrbaded political targets, including the president of the Democratic National Committee and president of the presidential campaign Hillary Clinton.

Prosecutors said that Assange had received e-mails and other data from Russian military intelligence officers, who were part of the concerted wave of unrest organized by the Kremlin across the country. Where is.

WikiLeaks also revealed information on the CIA's surveillance tools in a separate statement in 2017.

Assange claimed in early 2017 that Russia was not the source of emails issued by WikiLeaks, an affirmation The Washington PostThe fact checker gave "three pinocchios" at the time.

He denied the charges against him and insisted that he was a journalist protected by the First Amendment and other laws on free press in the West.

James Doubek contributed to this report.

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