As Weekly Shonen Jump celebrates its 50th anniversary last year, Jump Force is a celebration of the many series of anime and legendary manga from its pages. And to his credit, this mashup anime / manga fighting game looks like it's on the surface, with vivid fights and a list of 40 characters from 16 different series, illustrated with a unique aesthetic that takes the popular characters and places them in the real. world. Unfortunately, Jump Force is weakening at almost all points. Its low story mode does almost nothing with its superimposed alignment, an overly basic combat system is aging rapidly, and a number of smaller problems add up and complete a disappointing birthday present.
Jump Force certainly begins on a high note because it plunges you in the middle of a conflict in Times Square between Jump Hero and super-powerful mind-controlled villains. You play as a random victim of collateral damage in a battle between Goku and Frieza, which revived their powers. But once recruited into the Jump Force, the story takes a long time to resume because you are forced to explore the base, meet Goku, Luffy and Naruto and choose the team of your choice. join. This is the beginning of a story that lasts about 12 hours, not counting the amount of secondary content.
Before that, however, you are able to build your character as you wish, giving it a fighting style and applying two techniques borrowed from other Jump characters. The Jump Force character creator does not have a ton of options, though, and it does not really let you customize your character's appearance beyond a handful of faces, hairstyles, eyes, and so on. He has at least several options that clearly nod to other cartoons not listed, including Kurama, Urahara and Kuwabara, to name a few. Personally, I went in a different direction and I made a bald guy dressed in yellow, put him on gloves and red boots and I called him Saitama.
In general, the Jump Force plot takes itself a little too seriously and misses a huge opportunity for fun interactions between beloved characters who otherwise would never have the chance to meet. The fable story has no favor because most cutscenes do not have dubbing. Whatever the interesting interactions between the characters we get – like the one where Kenshin challenges Zoro in a duel after opposing his strict teaching methods – are left completely silent and lifeless.
The main problem with Jump Force's story mode is its progression.
This does not help that during cutscenes, everyone looks like action figures barely animated with poorly synchronized lips and mainly frozen facial expressions. In addition, for a strange reason that developer Spike Chunsoft describes as a "design decision", Ryuk's Death Note has no voice at all, even though everyone in the scene speaks and responds. On top of that, the frame rate in the largest and most important cinematics is terrible, there is no way to ignore them (nor any other kinematics), and it does not matter. There is no English dubbing. So it's not great ..
The biggest problem with Jump Force's story mode, however, is how to progress. We do not give you waypoints to tell you where you should go for the next main mission, the animations outside the real fight are bad, the upgrade of your character is unnecessarily complicated and, in the end, the difficulty increases in the worst conditions. possible way: with enemies able to halve their health with simple combos or special movements while their AI remains as stupid as ever. It's the artificial difficulty at its worst.
I will say this for this: the Jump Force fight is a simple and brilliant pleasure, at least during the first hours. Matches are in 3v3 with a two – button combat system consisting of light attacks (called rush attacks) and heavy attacks. Accelerated attacks can be reduced to an automatic combo that causes the opponent to ping-pong through the arena, while the heavy attacks are much slower but can be canceled at any time. from an accelerated combo. You can also reduce the distance very quickly with a high speed dash related to the mobility indicator of your team or just by scoring your teammate, which facilitates a very fast pace of action.
Each character is also accompanied by four special movements, performed by holding the trigger right and pressing one of the buttons on the face. Find the right combination of fast attacks, heavy attacks, knowing when you can perform a help, and then knowing what special move to finish is usually the way to find the big damage combos.
Spike Chunsoft has done an admirable job in ensuring that everything in Jump Force has a counter.
To his credit, Spike Chunsoft did an admirable job in ensuring that everything in Jump Force has some sort of counter. Spam in automatic combo mode can be defeated en bloc, bypbading or by loading heavy armored attacks; predictable dash-ins can be inflated by special moves or invulnerable counters at startup; and excessive guards can be broken with powerful throws or throws. There is also an emergency escape button that allows you to exit a combination when you are hit, at the expense of your mobility indicator.
All of this is a good start, but it's about as deep as it goes. Although it's a 3v3 fighter, the mechanics of the tags seem to be an afterthought since the three characters share the same bar of life. to learn anything beyond a character combo. This gives each fight the same feeling and leads to combat quickly. And the loading times to enter a match are longer than in most combat games.
Playing online or locally against friends is the grace of Jump Force, because artificial intelligence is terrible, even in the most difficult difficulties, and the depth of the combat system is intrinsically linked to the ability to read your opponent, this which does not work against predictables. AI mute. And so far, things have gone well technically: according to my experience of online game in preliminary mode, the multiplayer mode has held up well, virtually no match was affected by a shift.
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