Jurgen Klopp reveals his transfer plans after the start of preseason in Liverpool with a 6-0 win over Tranmere Rovers


Jurgen Klopp admitted that Liverpool would remain quiet on the transfer market this summer (photo: Getty)

Jurgen Klopp reiterated that it would be a quiet transfer window to Anfield this summer after watching Liverpool start his pre-season with a 6-0 win over Tranmere Rovers.

The goals of Nathaniel Clyne, Rhian Brewster (2), Curtis Jones, Divock Origi and Paul Glatzel gave the Reds a landslide victory at Prenton Park against their opponents in League One.

While a number of Liverpool's first-team players were not yet enrolled in preparatory training due to various international commitments, Klopp gave a chance to some of his young players to impress.

Brewster looked particularly strong when he opened the scoring for Clyne before scoring two goals, while Dutch defender Ki-Jana Hoever, 17, was another outstanding player in the second half.

Rhian Brewster scored twice in the win (photo: Getty)

After the match, Klopp suggested looking to promote from the inside to strengthen his team rather than entering the transfer market for reinforcements.

"Rhian Brewster, [Alex] Oxlade-Chamberlain did not play last year, all the young boys are new players for us, so everything is fine, "he said after the match.

"The transfer market is open, I do not know exactly when [August 8]. All of Europe had the wonderful idea of ​​closing the transfer window earlier and the only country that did it was England! We close it three weeks before all the others.

"So yes, we'll see what we do, I do not think it will be the biggest transfer window of all time."

A player who looks set to join Liverpool is midfielder Harvey Elliott, 16, who witnessed their victory over the Tranmere from the stands.

The England Under-17 international has reached a personal deal with Liverpool, but will have to pay compensation to his current club, the Fulham, to get it signed, which will be decided by a court.

Dutch defender Sepp van den Berg was the only one to sign this summer this summer. Dutch defender Ppp Zwolle has signed a contract worth £ 4.4m.

Van den Berg has not played against Tranmere as his contract is still awaiting FIFA approval.

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