Just like at home … only better. Traditions in the new villas of North Willow.


Just like at home … only better. The traditions of the new North Willow villas offer a carefree independent life.

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July 2019

Writer // John Cinnamon

If access to property is a disadvantage, it is almost the
constant maintenance and financial responsibilities. Mowing the lawn, electricity bills, shoveling snow,
cable bills, gutter cleaning, appliance repairers, the list goes on. And for seniors, the seemingly endless
the hbadle can be a real burden during what should be their golden relaxation
years. But if you could still live
a completely independent lifestyle without these monthly or even weekly

Traditions in North Willow

Traditions at North Willow, a community of seniors at 1703 W. 86th
St. in Indianapolis, now offers the best of both worlds with the addition of
The villas When completely finished this
In the fall, the villas will consist of 50 one or two bedroom houses designed
especially for an independent life without hbadle. Eight units will be ready to move in this month,
while another 42 are expected to be completed in October.

"This is the second phase of our community," said Allison Brown,
Director of Community Relations at Traditions.
The first phase is Traditions' existing three-story building which houses
independent and badisted apartments, as well as an entire floor
dedicated to residents who need memory care.

Brown believes that villas are a great alternative for people
looking for a completely independent life in a familiar environment, but
without the other headaches that come with homeownership. "These people are always active. Conduct,
involved in the community. Some are still
even work, "she said. "We see a
many couples settle there.

Active Community 55+

The villas will be a gated community of village style for
55 years old and over and one of the largest independent in Indianapolis
communities. Each villa will have a
garage for one car, front and rear porch and floor plans ranging from
850 to 1300 square feet. Libby
Mellinger, executive director of traditions at North Willow, anticipates
Villas are particularly attractive for tired people
of the maintenance and upkeep of their current homes.

"It's a carefree life," she said, citing the fact that
Traditions occupy all the maintenance.
Residents of the villas "are never going to have to worry about
the outgoing devices they will never have to deal with the cable companies
by them selves. They never go
the maintenance of the roof, the cleaning of the gutters, the snow removal, all the
problems we face when we have a home, "said Mellinger. "It's for all those who want this type of
way of life."

She considers the security of the Villas as a considerable advantage. "A closed and secure community is
important. It's a concern at any time, but
especially with older people who are more vulnerable. "

Even though The Villas is one of the great traditions of
Campus North Willow, it will feel like its own unique village,
with its own community center, fitness center, dog park, as well as amenities
like 30 meals a month, scheduled transportation and more. Mellinger expects to have a number of
activities conducted by residents and conducted by residents.
"We will help them plan their activities," she said.
I said. "We will, for sure, make some
Programs Silver Sneakers, pizzas, everything that will bring them together,
but also help them coordinate these things. "

Traditions in North Willow

"We have activities in the building (main). We have groups of cards, reading clubs and we have
incoming music and entertainment, villa residents are always welcome
to come for all this. "Villas
residents will have the opportunity to enjoy all the amenities offered
in the main building of Traditions, including a beauty salon, a cinema, a chapel,
and fitness center.

Although Traditions at North Willow offers badisted living services
options in their main building, they will never force a resident of Villas to do
this transition. "There are some
communities that do it, "said Mellinger," But we are here as support. So if
we are starting to notice that someone can become dangerous, whether medically or
physically dangerous to be in a villa we will have a conversation with the family
and say, "Here are your options." And
there are many options, "like home health care, home physical therapy
or occupational therapy.

"There are so many individual circumstances that occur,
that's what we do, "said Mellinger. "We
support each individual and determine what will follow throughout the

Local property

And this support comes straight from the top. Traditions in North Willow belong to local interests
and exploited, something that, according to Mellinger, distinguishes Traditions from others
seniors communities and badisted living centers. "Our owners are in this building on a very
regularly, interacting with residents, "she said. "They are able to determine things that the
residents may want to see more or less.
They come to sit with the residents, eat their meals with the
the residents. They care. "

"I worked for other companies," continued Mellinger.
"Where the owners are like [The Wizard of] Oz.
You hear from them, but you never see them. Whereas the owners here at Traditions have
personal relationships with staff. "

Memory care

Taking care of people with dementia or other memory problems creates a specific set of problems. Safety, security, health. The traditions of North Willow have been particularly careful that all their residents in memory care receive the attention they deserve and deserve. "The care of the memory is on the third floor," said Brown. "It's a completely secure unit. We have a lot of different activities in memory care, so it's more structured than badisted living. "

Part of this structure for residents in memory care is a
tradition-specific therapy called behavior-based ergonomic therapy. Brown explained, "That's how we can
manage the symptoms badociated with dementia.
If we see someone "dozing", worried, experiencing some boredom,
we can put them up with a type of therapy, whether it's music therapy or
watch a movie, based on their social history. "

Mellinger said to have the memory care unit on the third
flooring is the key to ensuring that it is a safe and secure environment for the
residents, with its own dedicated nursing staff. "One thing we will see with people with
dementia, their safety awareness is not what it should be, "said Mellenger. "The security is that we do not have to worry
the wanderers. We see the money
alerts there; we see people keep their loved ones at home too long and then
something tragic is happening. A community
as it can, hopefully, prevent such events from happening. "

The third floor memory care unit is a large secure area
that its residents are free to move. "We
check regularly, "said Mellinger," but they are never stopped,
What is also important is why we secure the unit. This prevents our caregivers from having to
say, "No, you can not do that," which then increases anxiety. This allows us to step back and give them
independence to do what they want and to have some freedom. Residents in memory care are often included in
activities outside the school, such as music programs, ice cream
social gatherings and scenic drives.

For residents in memory care "all care is inclusive in what
what they pay, so there is never a level of care that comes and goes, "said
Mellinger. "Families know how to come
what they will pay and what will be provided to their loved ones.

Physiotherapy among older retirees

Physiotherapy is often a priority for older people in a
typical badisted living installation.
However, most often, these older people must follow this therapy
Offsite. Not at Traditions. Traditions at North Willow has an internal department
Therapy team, something unique in the world of badisted living.

"Priority Rehab, is in our building five days a week," said
Mellinger. "Their staff, as well as our
Staff, know our residents very well. So
when things get old and people start to decline, more eyes
and the ears we have on people, the best. "
For example, if a resident shows signs of a sudden change in his gait –
slow, mix, stagger – the Priority Rehab team will be there to
recognize these things. "We have an
wellness coordinator, who will be the one that a family will talk to or we
would directly say that's what we see, we'd like them
projected, "said Mellinger.

"It's also an advantage if one of our residents leaves
in a hospital and they come back, "explained Mellinger. "They can receive treatment here immediately for
regain strength, they may have lost during their stay in the hospital
the quality of home care as opposed to the need to visit an institution
outside therapist. "The Priority Rehab
The Traditions team can provide physical, professional and speech therapy therapy.

Near St. Vincent Hospital

Another advantage of Traditions at North Willow is its
near St. Vincent Hospital, which is literally right next door. And this can be a lifesaver "We all know that
there are things that happen as you get older, "said Mellinger. "And in an emergency situation, the faster we
responds best. Our response time
with Saint Vincent so close is immediate.
I'm talking about two to five minutes that we have an ambulance when we
call. This is very beneficial. If we think that a resident may be a victim of
stroke, they receive this treatment immediately. "

How to transfer an elderly parent or dementia
Help with life

Once the decision is made to move yourself or a loved one to
Traditions in North Willow – whether in the villas or in the main building –
Traditions can also help on the front.
"There is a lot to do (in the move)," said Mellinger, "and the older we are
It's hard to understand how we are going to handle this.
process. "Traditions has a coordinator in motion
on personnel providing resources for moving companies, staff reduction specialists,
even people to whom you might want to give things. All that has to do with the real
process of moving home from someone.

With a multitude of social activities, daily happy hours,
Friendly staff and committed local owner, you and your loved ones will feel
at home from the first day. Plan a
Tour traditions in North Willow today.
317-876-2916. Or visit online at www.traditionsatnorthwillow.com

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