Juventus can define multiple registrations


Juventus can set a new all-time S record by securing the Scudetto today with seven innings to spare, while beating Antonio Conte's 102 points.

The Bianconeri beat Milan 2-1 last night. If Napoli loses to Genoa tonight, he will be mathematically crowned champion of Italy.

Indeed, Juve has a better performance against Napoli this season. She could not be caught even if she lost all the remaining matches and Napoli won all theirs.

This will be their eighth consecutive title, a new record not only in Italy, but also in the top five European leagues, with Olympique Lyonnais having only won seven Ligue 1 trophies at the trot.

There are several other potential firsts for Max Allegri and his men.

Never in the history of Serie A the Scudetto has been endowed with seven innings.

The record is currently five games in advance, established by Turin in 1947-1948, Fiorentina in 1955-1956 and Inter in 2006-07.

Even if Napoli wins, Juve could easily break the record next week with six games to play.

The first three Scudetti of this round were made under Conte, while it will be the fifth consecutive row of Allegri.

If Juventus finish the season with six wins and one draw, it will be enough to reach 103 points, surpbading the record of Conte of 102 points in Series A established in 2013-14.

The team also won 33 of 38 rounds of Serie A, but the current old lady could still potentially reach 34 out of 38.

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