Kasese public places embrace handwashing to prevent Ebola


PHOTO FILE: Handwashing is one way to prevent the spread of the Ebola virus.

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | A number of public places in Kasese District have adopted handwashing as one of the ways to prevent the spread of the Ebola virus following an epidemic that occurred last August in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. DRC. Three people tested positive for Ebola in Kasese district this week.

Three districts in western Uganda, including Bundibugyo, Kanungu and Kasese, neighbors of the DRC and Arua West Nile, are struggling to contain the viral disease. Following confirmed cases in Kasese district, several offices intensified hand washing before going to their premises.

Washing your hands with water mixed with chlorine is one way to prevent viral diseases. It is recommended in the fight against the Ebola virus. The Vienna hotel located in the Kabuyiri district of the border town of Mpondwe-Lhubiriha is one of those places where it is explicitly asked all guests to wash their hands before entering.

The instructions are written in English, Kiswahili and Ihukonzo. There is also a security guard who ensures that all guests wash their hands before entering the hotel. Nuria Masika, deputy director of the hotel, said that as a center for several people a day, it was only ideal that they apply strict precautionary measures.

Masika says the center welcomes about 150 people each day for different activities making it vulnerable. She added that even though the hotel had not yet adopted hand washing, the two people who died of Ebola at Kasese this week taught them to stay alert, with some of their clients coming from from DRC.

Paddy Pambara, principal of Mpondwe Primary School, said that they had to close two more entry points into the school, so that all school children take a route and wash their hands in the school. first. According to Pambara, the school has 42 Congolese refugee students.

That's why they must make sure that they do everything in their power to prevent the spread of the viral disease to 1372 students at the teaching center. The Mpondwe-Lhubiriha City Council has adopted hand washing in many other public places.

Many other offices in the city of Kasese, about 60 km from Mpondwe-Lhubiriha City Council, also chose this practice. Messiah Radio also requires all staff and customers to wash their hands before accessing their premises.

The director of the station, Solomon Badaaki, said that as a media organization charged with educating the mbades, they should serve as an example to the public by not only educating them, but also by demonstrating the need to fight against the monstrous viral disease.



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