Katie Price protects her son Harvey while she removes cruel trolls from her Instagram account


Katie Price needs to remove cruel troll comments from her son Harvey's new Instagram account.

The model gave his 16-year-old son permission to open his own image sharing account on Saturday, a few days after MPs backed a bill aimed at suing the perpetrators of Attacks on people with disabilities on social media.

However, less than a week later, it is clear that the trolls are making disgusting comments on Harvey's page, which appear to have been quickly suppressed by his mother.

On Wednesday night, Harvey shared a drawing of his mother with an oversized heart to illustrate his love for him, subtitled: "I draw a mother with a big heart".

Katie Price's son Harvey shares a drawing of his mother on his Instagram page

Thursday morning, the photo had received more than 12,300 "likes" and 850 comments.

However, while browsing the comments of the article, there were clearly many deletions, but the comments remained expressing their indignation at the behavior of the trolls.

Katie is particularly protective of her eldest son, who is partially blind, autistic and has Prader-Willi syndrome.

An adept wrote, "Some people are so awful, it's a beautiful image, what a nice boy is trying to do everything he does."

Katie Price is very protective of her son Harvey

Another commented, "I think if someone publishes something here that is resentful or against that young man who is a great artist, then you have to keep in mind" Harvey's Law "and make his jogging."

One person added: "Some lovely comments, but also really heartbreaking comments … Honestly, I can not believe that people can even type in some of what they have written, that they have not done it. is it wrong for some people? "

Earlier this week, the 40-year-old mother of five defended her decision to allow Harvey to access Instagram, and her spokeswoman told MailOnline: "Harvey is a 16-year-old boy who wants her own Instagram Why should she be That's exactly why Katie is fighting for Harvey's Law – to stop it!

"His friends at school, his family and his brother [Junior Andre] are all on Instagram and he wants his own account to publish things that he likes. Why should he be arrested? "

Katie is campaigning for a new law to protect people with disabilities

Last week, Katie was delighted when MPs accepted her petition that the law needed to be amended to protect people with disabilities from hate online abuse.

According to a report, social media must accept the responsibility to allow "toxic environments to exist without dispute".

Committee Chair Helen Jones, MP, said, "The online abuse law is not appropriate and it is truly shameful that people with disabilities have been forced to leave social media when their abusers suffer no consequences.

"There is no excuse for the persistent inability to make online platforms as safe for people with disabilities." Self-regulation has failed for people with disabilities and the law needs to change so that more lives are not destroyed. "

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The life of Katie Price

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