Katie Price's mother mocks the operation "Frankenstein" while Kris Boyson calls her big


Katie Price embodies both her mother Amy and her boyfriend Kris Boyson in the return of the reality series My Crazy Life.

The former glamorous model, who revealed that she had put 1.5 stone after her recent troubles, is being ordered to transform her diet by her toyboy Kris, while her mother compared her to the bride's Frankenstein.

In a teaser of the opening episode, Katie and her personal trainer, Beau Kris, are the first to be seen in the heat of her eating habits.

"I love my food," admits Katie. "And my invention of Flutter Nutter is amazing."

Katie revealed the secret recipe behind her favorite breakfast

Kris Boyson was disgusted when he heard what Katie eats every morning

The mother of five then unveils the secret and sweet recipe for her favorite breakfast: marshmallow and peanut butter spread on white bread.

"And you wonder why you put on weight," Kris revolts.

"What's marshmallow? I thought bodybuilders had that," Katie replies.

Sitting in front of the camera, Kris expresses: "If she thinks she can take the p *** and eat what she wants around me when that is what I do for a living, she has something else to come because she can not go on like this. "

Katie gives in to her sweet tooth

He then approaches Katie and asks him: "Do you think that if you did not eat all that and if you took care of your body, you would not need a facelift?"

Kris, 30, who had previously taught a training session to Harvey, Katie's eldest son, takes out a trash bag and throws all her favorite foods as part of her unadorned approach to the diet.

Katie is the recipient of a hard love from her loved ones

And later in the trailer for her new TV show, Katie seems to be receiving a hard love from her family.

Her mother, Amy, enjoys making fun of her daughter's improved appearance.

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"Do you want to look like that? ***** Bride of Frankenstein?" Amy asks – referring to the American company Jocelyn Wildenstein, famous for his many aesthetic interventions.

"I do not look like anything to her, thanks," Katie slaps, as she reveals her plans for a new facelift.

Amy tried to badure Katie that she looked in good shape for 40

Jocelyn Wildenstein arrives at the opening of Megu at Trump World Tower
Katie Price's mother said that she was likely to look like Jocelyn Wildenstein if she pbaded under the knife again

"Not far …", replies his mother.

Kris then tries to crush the line by urging Katie to try to eat healthy and train to feel better.

Katie Price: My Crazy Life airs Monday at 10pm exclusively on Quest Red and on the QuestOD app

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