Ken Agyapong, Net 2, sued for defamation; cough up to 100m GH ¢


General News of Wednesday, April 10, 2019



Kennedy Agyapong Cttee Deputy of Assin Central, Kennedy Agyapong

The Lebanese-born businessman in Lebanon, Hbadan Zein, filed a lawsuit against Net 2 Television and its owner, Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, for showing it in a tube documentary.

According to Mr. Zein, the efforts to ensure that the Assin Center deputy and the press society retract and, therefore, his apology proved futile.

A brief overview by cites 100 million GH ¢ as damages required by the businessman.

According to the complainant, the screening of the documentary in December defamed him and damaged his reputation.

The documentary allegedly showed Mr. Zein cases of fraud, drugs, money laundering and corruption.

He stated that he had swindled his victims to Togo, Nigeria, Mali, Benin and other countries.

"The applicant states that the video clip, commentary and discussions that followed shortly after the clip were highly and seriously defamatory and prejudicial to [his] reputations and companies, "noted the brief.

According to the scope of the show, all over Facebook and Ken City Media 's various platforms, Mr. Zein' s partners have reprimanded him and continue to do so, while deputy. Others have withdrawn their contract "which could and / or would have the potential to bring him more revenue, business turnover and / or get him business opportunities and among other resources".

The complainant's lawyers met with Mr. Agyapong and the management of Net 2 Television for an amicable resolution of the problem.

The writ stated that the accused had badured the businessman to stop the authors of the videos.

The defendants also badured that they retracted after the screening of the documentary.

"The plaintiff claims that after more than three months, the defendants refused and / or neglected to do everything they had promised to do to help save the reputation of the plaintiff who sank.

Mr Zein therefore asks the High Court to sentence Mr Agyapong and his media company to pay him 100 million GH ¢ and to apologize to him without reservation.

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