Kenya: Graves in Murang's Granny Homestead & Gangster Raise Eyebrows


By Ndung & # 39; u Gachane

Murang's police have launched extensive investigations to determine if any of the people buried in the home of an 80-year-old woman, Wambui Muturi, who has been killed alongside two men in a saga kidnapping, could be victims of criminals.

Murang County Commissioner & John Elungata said they received information that there could be a number of people killed and buried in gangster grandmother's house after failing to give ransom Mr. Elungata, who is also the chairman of the security committee, said that although they understood that Wambui's husband and four sons were buried, there are allegations of 39, surveys that there may be more graves at home.


"We have established that the grandmother has long been in the game of kidnappings with a union that could bury hostages who have not paid ransom in her homestead" We We began to investigate the issue, "said Mr. Elungata.

He noted that with the woman's death, peace and quiet are expected in her village Irewa of Gatundu Location as she was feared by locals who avoided the road

Elungata testified that the police were pursuing two other suspects who had escaped during the shootings.

"A good road network and the proximity of Nairobi allowed criminals to operate in the residence of the grandmother. They lashed out with prison guards, convicts and ex-prisoners who played the role of brains while those outside the prison implemented the crime. We are now suing them, "he said.


Mr. Elungata revealed that the grandmother had been shot after trying to protect the suspects and helped two Margret Waithira was kept in teams with a group that split into two groups, one during the night and the other during the day, and those who had been shot down were

He urged the police not to save By investigating the crime, it can be said that everyone, regardless of age, could be involved in a crime.

"We have so many of them involved in criminal activities like the sale of bhang, alcohol and other criminal offenses.The police should not spare them during investigations, "he said. said.

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