KFC's new sexy shoulder bag, Colonel Sanders: a total snack


KFC mascot Colonel Sanders did another remake, and in a bizarre twist that completely upset me, they turned him into a very bady social networking influence … who is also a computer generated character?


the Colonel of virtual influence, as he calls it, is a strangely realistic 3D model. It sports an updated version of Colonel's signature gray-haired and horn-rimmed glbades, and is a hybrid of virtually every type with an Instagram count of over 10,000 people.

He will take over the brand's social media in the US until the end of April, and I mean, look at this guy:

Colonel Sanders "width =" 600 "height =" 450 "srcset =" https://www.pedestrian.tv/content/uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders2-1024x768.jpg 1024w, https://www.pedestrian.tv /content/uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders2-300x225.jpg 300w, https://www.pedestrian.tv/content/uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders2-768x576.jpg 768w, https://www.pedestrian.tv /content/uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders2-333x250.jpg 333w, https://www.pedestrian.tv/content/uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders2-616x462.jpg 616w, https://www.pedestrian.tv /content/uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders2-391x293.jpg 391w, https://www.pedestrian.tv/content/uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders2-252x189.jpg 252w, https://www.pedestrian.tv /content/uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders2-160x120.jpg 160w, https://www.pedestrian.tv/content/uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders2-111x83.jpg 111w, https://www.pedestrian.tv /content/uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders2-93x70.jpg 93w, https://www.pedestrian.tv/content/uploads/2019/04/SexyColonel Sanders2-40 0x300.jpg 400w, https://www.pedestrian.tv/content/uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders2-1044x783.jpg 1044w, https://www.pedestrian.tv/content/uploads/2019/04 / SexyColonelSanders2- 632x474.jpg 632w, https://www.pedestrian.tv/content/uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders2-536x402.jpg 536w, https://www.pedestrian.tv/content/uploads/2019/04 / SexyColonelSanders2. jpg 1200w "sizes =" (maximum width: 600px) 100vw, 600px

Yes, his tattoo says 'secret recipe for success'. All this is really so and I have to sit down:

Colonel Sanders "width =" 600 "height =" 600 "srcset =" https://www.pedestrian.tv/content/uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders1.jpg 843w, https://www.pedestrian.tv/content /uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders1-150x150.jpg 150w, https://www.pedestrian.tv/content/uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders1-300x300.jpg 300w, https://www.pedestrian.tv/content /uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders1-768x768.jpg 768w, https://www.pedestrian.tv/content/uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders1-250x250.jpg 250w, https://www.pedestrian.tv/content /uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders1-510x510.jpg 510w, https://www.pedestrian.tv/content/uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders1-293x293.jpg 293w, https://www.pedestrian.tv/content /uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders1-189x189.jpg 189w, https://www.pedestrian.tv/content/uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders1-160x160.jpg 160w, https://www.pedestrian.tv/content /uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders1-83x83.jpg 83w, https://www.pedestrian.tv/content/uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders1- 468x468.jpg 468w, https://www.pedestrian.tv/content/uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders1-70x70.jpg 70w, https://www.pedestrian.tv/content/uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders1- 400x400.jpg 400w, https://www.pedestrian.tv/content/uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders1-550x550.jpg 550w, https://www.pedestrian.tv/content/uploads/2019/04/SexyColonelSanders1- 470x470.jpg 470w "sizes =" (maximum width: 600px) 100vw, 600px

I do not want to make it weird, but honestly, this computer-generated dad could get me out for fried chicken to lick my fingers, let me read for two weeks, then text me at three in the morning and j & rsquo; Would completely flood my basement. Sorry, I guess I made this strange.

"I may be a restaurant mogul and internationally inspired, but I'm still only a child who likes to be in the kitchen," said Virtual Influencer Colonel in a recent post on Instagram, hashtagged #humble.

New Colonel Sanders has really covered all Instagram clichés:

For my part, I welcome this new era of tedious marketing.

This waterfall comes just weeks after the fast-food brand had a mask masked by Colonel Sanders on stage for a DJ set at MiamiS Ultra Music Festival, to the chagrin of the heads of the poster deadmau5 and Marshmello.

.@KFC bought Colonel Sanders a slot on the @Ultra main scene, and that happened. ???????????? | ????: @ 1001TLtv pic.twitter.com/8qZfUZ7G4K

– Festive Owl (@TheFestiveOwl) March 29, 2019


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