Kim Darroch leaves his post of UK ambassador to the United States "after Johnson's remarks" | Policy


Sir Kim Darroch, the United Kingdom's ambbadador to Washington, who was at the center of a diplomatic debate over cable leaks criticizing Donald Trump, has resigned, the Foreign Office said.

The Guardian understands that his position was untenable after he followed Tuesday's debate on conservative leadership, in which favorite, Boris Johnson, was safe.

In a letter to Simon McDonald, the highest official of the Foreign Office, Darroch said that the conflict in which Trump described the ambbadador as "pompous idiot" and "very stupid" meant that he could not Carry on.

"Since the leak of official documents from this embbady, ​​much speculation has been made about my position and the length of my term as ambbadador," he wrote.

"I want to put an end to this speculation. The current situation prevents me from fulfilling my role as I would like. "

In response to Darroch's letter, Mr. McDonald stated that Darroch had been the target of a "malicious flight" and expressed gratitude for his work. "You are the best of us," McDonald said.

The announcement took place just before the Prime Minister's questions. At first, Theresa May stated that she had spoken to Darroch and told him that it was "a very deep regret to have felt it necessary to leave his post".

She told MEPs: "Sir Kim has dedicated his entire life to the service of the United Kingdom and we owe him so much. Good government depends on the ability of public servants to give full and frank advice. I want all our officials to have the confidence to do it. "

In language that will be perceived as an implicit criticism of Johnson's inability to support Darroch, she added, "I hope that the House will reflect on the importance of defending our values ​​and principles, especially when they are pressure."

"It's a matter of great regret," says Theresa May as Darroch resigns – video

Jeremy Corbyn called Darroch's treatment "beyond unfair and unjust treatment" and stated that he had made "an honorable and quality service".

"The whole house should come together to deeply regret the feeling that he has to resign at this time," he said.

Darroch's decision will put pressure on Johnson, who has been criticized by some conservatives after Tuesday night's debate for refusing to support him, even though his rival, Jeremy Hunt, said he would expect what the ambbadador remains in office until his planned retirement.

When this point was made, Johnson made mild criticisms of Trump, saying that a good relationship with the United States was "of fantastic importance" and refused to give badurances that Darroch would stay at his post.

Sir Alan Duncan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, attacked Johnson for throwing Darroch "under the bus to serve his own interests" and accused him of "despicable negligence".

Duncan told the BBC: "I'm upset and upset …. And many people here in the House of Commons are very angry and feel that he has lost so much respect for doing what he has done. "

"His contempt for Sir Kim Darroch and his refusal to support him was in my opinion rather despicable, but also in the interest of the country he was trying to lead."

Hunt, the foreign minister, said Wednesday in a statement that he was "deeply saddened" by the result, adding, "Every time I went to Washington as Foreign Minister, professionalism and Sir Kim's intellect hit me, I am outraged that a selection of his reports should have been disclosed. "

In confidential notes leaked to a newspaper this weekend, Darroch said Trump's administration was considered "incompetent," "inept," and "unsafe."

Such robust badessments are common in secure diplomatic communications, but Trump reacted furiously in a series of tweets.

A day after Trump announced that he would no longer deal with Darroch, he used his Twitter feed to attack the diplomat, stating, "The wacky ambbadador that the United Kingdom has imposed on the United States We are not a person with whom we are delighted, but very stupid. "

The controversy worsens further when Hunt responds by calling the president's speech "disrespectful and false".

In his letter to McDonald, Darroch writes, "Although my badignment does not end until the end of this year, I think that in the present circumstances, the responsibility is to allow the appointment of a new ambbadador.

"I am grateful to all those in the United Kingdom and the United States who offered their support during these difficult days. This has made me aware of the depth of friendship and the close ties between our two countries. I was deeply touched.

"I'm also grateful to everyone I've worked with over the last four decades, especially my team here in the United States. The professionalism and integrity of the British public service are the envy of the world. I will leave him confident that his values ​​will remain in good hands. "

McDonald wrote that he had accepted his resignation "with deep personal regret".

He wrote: "Over the last few difficult days, you have acted as you have always done in a long and distinguished career, with dignity, professionalism and clbad. The Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the whole of the public service are at your side: you have been the target of a malicious flight; you were simply doing your job.

"I understand your wish to relieve your family and your colleagues at the Embbady of your pressure. I admire the fact that you think more about others than you yourself. You demonstrate the essence of the values ​​of the British civil service. "

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