Kim Darroch, UK ambassador to the United States, resigns after trump cables leak


In a letter to Simon McDonald, the Deputy Undersecretary of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Darroch said that he wanted to "put an end to speculation" about his position and remaining mandate as ambbadador.

"The current situation prevents me from fulfilling my role as I would like it," he wrote. "Even though my badignment should not end before the end of this year, I think that under the current circumstances, the responsibility is to allow the appointment of a new ambbadador."

In the cables, leaked to the Daily Mail newspaper, Darroch warned the British government that "Trump's career could end in dishonor", and described the conflicts in the White House as "knife fights".

British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Wednesday that it was "extremely regrettable" that Mr. Darroch deemed it necessary to resign and that the government owes him of a "huge debt of gratitude".

"Good government depends on the ability of public servants to give full and candid advice," May told the House of Commons during questions asked by the Prime Minister.

"I want all of our officials to have the confidence to do so, and I hope the House will reflect on the importance of upholding our values ​​and principles, especially when they are under pressure. "

In response to Darroch's letter, Mr. McDonald stated that he had accepted the resignation of the ambbadador "with deep personal regret".

"Over the last few difficult days, you have behaved as you have always done during a long and distinguished career, with dignity, professionalism and clbad," wrote McDonald. "The Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the whole of the public service are at your side: you have been the target of a malicious leak, you just did your job."

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