Kim Kardashian West plans CBD-themed baby shower for her fourth child


Kim Kardashian West "fears a lot for the fourth child" and wants nothing more than Zen at her prenatal party.

Therefore, his CBD themed bash, the reality TV star and the makeup tape maker told E! New.

There will be mbadages and a tea ceremony with crystals, she said while promoting her new range of sunglbades. The baby, Kardashian's second boy and her husband Kanye West, must arrive soon. This is his second by substitution.

Kardashian said that she was done with traditional baby games and showers after three hours but that she thought her children would benefit from a pre-birth party to help them celebrate the situation. surrogacy.

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Kim Kardashian West finished with the "traditional" baby showers.

Evan Agostini / AP

Kim Kardashian West finished with the "traditional" baby showers.

This is what happened with his two eldest when Chicago, his third and the first by the surrogate mother, was on his way.

And the last party theme? CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol, the chemical compound of the cannabis plant. It is known to promote relaxation and has been adopted in health and beauty products, with just about every other aspect of life.

To further reinforce the idea of ​​relaxation: "We'll have a drink during this baby shower.We are not pregnant," said Kardashian.

"These are mbadages for everyone, just like the calm meditation before the storm, the baby shower."

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