King Mohammed VI and Pope Francis visit the Moroccan Institute for the Training of Imams


King Mohammed VI, accompanied by Crown Prince Moulay El Hbadan and Prince Moulay Rachid, and Pope Francis visited the Mohammed VI Institute in Rabat on Saturday to train imams, Morchidines and Morchidates.

After the screening of an institutional film about the objectives, missions and various achievements of the Institute, the Minister of Funds and Islamic Affairs, Ahmed Toufiq, delivered a speech to the King and the head of the Catholic Church, in which he stressed that the training of imams and instructors.

Subsequently, two students from the Mohammed VI Institute gave their personal stories and shared their experiences at this Imam training facility.

Hindu Usman, a student from Nigeria, said she was convinced that after her return and return to her country, she would be able to debate and convince that religion is for peace and good, A believer is only responsible to God.

Aboubakr Hmaidouch, a French student of North African descent, pointed out that the Muslim community in France was in great need of imams and preachers so that the values ​​of religion contribute to life in society and to the well-being of the people. to be spiritual in society.

He recalled that after the terrorist attacks that hit France in 2015, he felt the need to acquire communication skills and skills to be effective in a society shaped by multiple currents and sometimes by ready-made ideas.

This visit was also marked by religious songs of Muslim, Christian and Hebrew tradition, performed by the Moroccan Philharmonic Orchestra.

At the end of the meeting, the Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs presented Pope Francis with the guide of the Mohammed VI Institute for the Training of Imams, Morchidines and Morchidates, as well as the publications of the Institute in Arabic and English in relation to Christianity. religion.

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