Kintampo road accident: Transport Minister mourns more than 38 burnt and buried bodies | General news


A sober Minister of Transport, the Hon. Kwaku Ofori Asiamah, could not control himself any longer than sharing tears after visiting the site of mbad burial of 38 victims of the Kintampo road accident last Friday, who had been burned in a totally unknown way .

However, he was comforted by his colleague, the Minister of Highways and Highways, the Hon. Kwasi Amoako Atta, who accompanied him on the site.

L & # 39; Hon. Amoako Atta, however, looked very strong. At one point he was also restrained and moved after hearing some of the victims of the accident tell their story and blame the road accident for the reckless conduct of the KIA Grand Bird driver.

It was Tuesday, March 26, 2019, when they visited some of the victims of the accident at Techiman Holy Family Hospital and at the Kintampo South District Hospital. , so as to empathize with them and obtain first hand information.

The two ministers, accompanied by the executive director of Ghana's National Road Safety Commission, Ing. May Obiri Yeboah and the staff of the Techiman and Kintampo police commands also visited the accident site in Ampomakrom, in the district of Kintampo Sud.

On Monday, March 25, 2019, the team had gone on a similar mission in which she had visited the victims of the Ekumfi road accident, which was reported to have been lost. was also produced on the same Friday, March 22, 2019 at the Hospital Trauma & Specialist Hospital of Winneba and St. Luke. Holy Family Hospital, Apam, as well as the scene of the accident.

According to the story of the surviving victims, the driver of the KIA Grand Bird was overworked at some point, regardless of the many calls from pbadengers on board to slow down.

During the process, he fired his own and collided head-on with a new VVIP bus bearing registration number GT 3916-17, which was traveling from Accra to Tamale.

The Grand Bird Bus, meanwhile, was traveling from Garu Tempane to Kumasi.

"We came from Garu and somewhere along the line, we saw another vehicle climb the hilly road. Our driver reached the vehicle and attempted to overtake him at some point. From there, he went on too fast and when you advise him to exercise restraint, he tells you that he wants to choose market women who are negotiating okro and waiting for him. He even told us that those who could not stand the speed at which he was traveling could get off the vehicle. So, after crossing the police barrier, I saw him dozing and he got off the road but it was too late to save the situation. Our bus en route meets the VVIP bus at the origin of this avoidable accident, "said one of the victims, Ernest Atabila, at the accident, at the team led by Ministers of Transport and Roads and Highways.

Ramatu Issaka, a 54-year-old woman who lost her three grandchildren, who were also aboard the KIA Grand Bird bus, also said: "We warned the driver on a number of occasions against speeding, but he did not listen to us. We had no choice but to quit and pray for him to take us to our destination. Just a few kilometers after crossing the barrier, he hit the other bus after deviating from his lane.

The narration of the victims of the road accident was corroborated by Kintampo Divisional Police Commander, ACP Joseph Gyawu.

A sober visible looking Asiamah, who traded with reporters after visiting the victims of the road accident, said that he was completely shocked and devastated after listening to the stories of the victims and had urged citizens to take the safety of their lives by warning motorists down when aboard their vehicles.

He said the indiscipline on the country's road networks, especially highways, is killing so many lives and it is time to put an end to the phenomenon.

"Join us in educating citizens about safety and road safety on our roads, because many lives are lost. You know that today, the most deadly disease is no longer malaria, it is a car accident. We must now take our destiny in hand, "he said, addressing Reverend Catherine Osei, badistant director of nursing at Techiman Holy Family Hospital.

He also urged police forces to improve their game and develop new strategies that will help them enforce strict road safety regulations in the country.

"I know you're doing your best but, seeing and knowing what's happening to us, we all need to improve our game and see that whenever we have problems and allow these rash pilots to behave the way that they behave, we try to: tackle the problem so that they do not capitalize on the weak points and behave badly, "he said.

Sister Catherine Osei, meanwhile, complained bitterly about the lack of respect for the rules of road safety by drivers, despite the many road safety awareness campaigns they organized to educate drivers and others road users.

"Today, people do not die because of diseases. The number one killer had to do with road accidents. In our region of the world, here at Techiman, we inform road users every day about helmet use and compliance with other road safety rules, but they do not follow these tips. So, as you just said, we must all do our best to reduce the carnage on our roads, "she said.

The Minister of Highways and Highways, the Hon. Kwasi Amoako Atta, commenting on the accident, said that he was very surprised to learn that the accident had been caused by the carelessness of the driver of the Grand Bird KIA, unlike to claims from part of the population that the accident was partly due to the bad nature of the aircraft. road network.

He added that it was time to confront the reckless drivers with punitive measures, believing that this measure would help to minimize or even completely eliminate the incessant road accidents that the country has experienced in recent times.

For him, the National Road Safety Commission (NRSC) should be commended for stepping up its awareness and education campaign from last year to date rather than being criticized.

"Look at the road, it's a straight road and the markup is there. All other necessary roadside equipment is present and you can see it in a lively way. All traffic signs have been installed and the media must convey to the public that, thanks to a thorough study by the NRSC, it has been revealed that more than 80% of road accidents are caused by human error. Commander, you even said that the police, despite all the state authorities that were vested in you, could not even check whether these buses were stopped. We should let our people understand and I can badure you that we will do everything in our power to put an end to this indiscipline on our roads. Today, because of the carelessness of a person, we have lost 59 people, including children and several wounded. It can not continue, "he said.

According to the police, 59 people were killed in the Kintampo road accident, of which 39 were burned.

53 people from both buses survived the road accident.

Some of the surviving victims who visited the various hospitals in the enclave were treated and discharged.

According to the hospital's medical officer, Cornelius Atso Blekpi, four bodies are still in the morgue of the southern district of Kintampo and have not yet been identified by their relatives.

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