Kit Harington almost made an injury to the NSFW during the shooting of Season 8 of "Game Of Thrones".


Since season 1 of the epic drama of HBO, Game of thrones demanded a lot of his actors. Elaborate costumes, learning to ride, extensive battle scenes and extreme weather conditions – Game of thrones were asked to do a lot more than just remember their lines. In fact, during the fight scenes, the actors and members of the stunt team had to be careful so that no one was too overwhelmed or hurt during the shooting.

Yet we all know that mistakes happen. The character of Kit Harington, Jon Snow, has been at the center of many battles on Game of thrones. From Hard Home to the Battle of the Bastards, Jon did not shrink from a fight. Harington almost got hurt at the NSFW during the shooting of the last season of Eu and it's for doing something he's never done before.

Kit Harington almost lost a testicle during filming Game of thrones

After two years of waiting – Season 8 of Game of thrones the first finally took place in mid-April 2019. However, the first of the season almost cost Kit Harington one of his testicles. During the episode – "Winterfell", Jon Snow rides for the first time on a dragon that requires a little CGI magic and a bull-like structure. Emilia Clarke, the star of Daenerys Targaryen, has been doing so for years. However, Harington's first attempt nearly ended on a tragic note. Looking at the backstage of the episode, Harington revealed:

Buck work is not easy. I think what sums up the money for me is that Jon nearly fell. The dragon sways very violently, like this one, and my right bullet got trapped, and I did not have time to say, "Stop!" In my head, I thought: this is how it ends, on this male, swinging by the testicles, literally. Sorry. Probably too much information.

Fortunately for Harington, he escaped the "dragon" with all his intact male fragments.

Kit Harington described the last scene of Jon Snow Game of thrones

There are only a few episodes left until the end, and we all want to know who will end up on the iron throne. Although Harington did not give us the details, he gave us details about Jon Snow's final scene. (Please note that the final scene that he filmed might not be in chronological order.) He told Instyle,

I had this last scene, which was very average, I was walking somewhere with Liam [Cunningham, who plays Davos Seaworth] and Jacob [Anderson, who plays Grey Worm]. It could not be more of a wet pet of a scene. But I completely broke down after that. You do not feel anything; you feel a hundred. Sadness. Glee. Excitation. Dread, definitely.

We are just happy that Harington was able to withdraw from Game of thrones in one piece, even if Jon Snow is not so lucky.

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