Komenda Sugar Factory set for 2020 | General news


The Komenda sugar factory located in the central region is expected to begin operations in mid-2020.

Ghana Investment Promotion Center (GIPC) CEO Yofi Grant, who said, "We have stakeholders, many of whom work hard for the make."

He made this disclosure when the House of Chiefs of the Central Region convened President Akufo-Addo yesterday at the Jubilee House.

The chairman of the regional chamber of chiefs, Obrempong Nyanful Krampa, has called for the revival of some factories in the region, including the Komenda sugar factory, which was closed after the fanfare that characterized the inauguration by the company. previous administration of Mahama.

The Komenda Sugar Factory, built at a cost of $ 35 million by an Indian bank, was inaugurated by then President John Mahama in May 2016, with great fanfare, but was locked after a few tries.

The plant was also expected to generate energy for its production activities and produce by-products such as molbades for the liquor industry.

However, many problems, including the unreliability of supplying sugar cane for continuous processing after the preliminary test, have hindered the smooth operation of the company.

In November 2017, the government launched processes to revive plant activities.

The Minister of Trade and Industry, Alan Kyerematen, told Parliament that a $ 24.5 million credit from Indian bank EXIM was being sourced in order to develop and market implement a program of planting and cultivating subcontractors to provide raw materials at the plant.

Under this program, approximately 14,100 acres of sugarcane would be grown to feed the plant.

The delay in releasing funds for growing sugar cane turned the plant into a white elephant.

But the GIPC chief also revealed that discussions were ongoing with a number of stakeholders from Turkey, Dubai and Europe.

He also said discussions were under way with an investor to get a billion dollars for the "Cape Coast Green City" project, adding that the feasibility study had already begun.

President Akufo-Addo also reiterated the government's determination to repair deplorable roads in the region.

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