"Kum Yen Preko" protest against government failed – Sammy Awuku


Policy of Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Source: kingdomfmonline.com


Sammy Awuku Skel.jpeg Sammy Awuku, National Organizer of NPP

Sammy Awuku, the national organizer of the nuclear power plant, said Tuesday's "Kum Yen Preko" protest failed to attract as many as expected.

The protest march "Kum Yen Preko", according to the organizers – the Coalition for Social Justice (CSJ) – was a protest against the economic difficulties of the current government.

"I was talking to Mr. Joshua Akamba and he told me that about 1,000 people showed up for the protest on Tuesday.This is a huge failure compared to our previous protest when we were in the opposition, "said Samuel Awuku to Kwame Tutu on Anopa Nkomo. on Kingdom FM 107.7 based in Accra

"The demonstration failed because under the administration of the new patriotic party, people benefited from free SHS and stipends for students in nursing and education," he added.

Mr. Awuku described the economic hardship dubbed "Kum Yen Preko" by the Coalition for Social Justice as a mere incursion and failed to attract the necessary attention.

The protest goes against what they describe as hardships, insecurity and oppression experienced under the current Akufo-Addo government. Many protesters were seen dressed in red, with placards carrying various messages in the air to send a strong signal of their dissatisfaction.

The former president, John Dramani Mahama, also said his support for the march. According to him, the cost of living in the country has become unbearable, with heightened insecurity being one of the reasons he believes that protest is necessary.

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