Kweku Ricketts-Hagan claims that Akufo-Addo has lost confidence in Ofori-Atta Ghana news


Kweku Ricketts-Hagan, a former deputy finance minister, said President Akufo-Addo had lost confidence in Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta.

Speaking at a roundtable on Peace FM's morning show, Kokrokoo, Ricketts-Hagan added that he considered the Minister of Finance as an incompetent person.

This, he explained, is due to the fact that the president has chosen to call on the economic management team to form a committee to investigate the depreciation of the cedi.

A man sitting in a studio

Kweku Ricketts-Hagan
Source: UGC

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Ricketts-Hagan added that, according to, the Minister of Finance should have been tasked with this task.

"I am sad for the Minister of Finance; it seems that the president is losing confidence in him. For the president to ask for the constitution of a team similar to the economic management team, it means that you are incompetent ", he said.

Speaking at the meeting organized by the Economic Management Team (EMT), the former deputy finance minister said that he was tempted to believe that he was participating at a NPP rally when he went to the event.

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