Kwesimintsim MP hails huge government TVET infrastructure to boost development


Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Education Committee, Dr Prince Hamid Armah, said the government has, through infrastructure development, taken an important step towards providing technical and vocational education and training ( TVET) a viable option and a channel for the development of the country.

Speaking to reporters after a tour of TVET facilities at universities and technical institutes across the country, MP for Kwesimintsim in the western region said the world today is looking for people with the necessary skills and competencies. to lead the industrial revolution and not people who regurgitate information. .

Kwesimintsim MP applauds massive government TVET infrastructure to boost development

He expressed optimism that TVET education will soon take its rightful place in the country’s education and development agenda.

“In general, we have seen significant infrastructure investments in the technical and vocational education sub-sector. Given this path, we are likely to witness a significant transformation of our economy.

“When we went to Takoradi Technical University, we saw oil simulation equipment that demonstrates that process engineers go through the steps to get the end product in offshore oil drilling. The people who are trained have direct access to what will happen if they end up in the oil and gas job market, ”he said.

Kwesimintsim MP applauds massive government TVET infrastructure to boost development

He added that “this clearly shows that we are connecting the skills that we develop to the world of the market. And it is remarkable. “

Unlike in the past where the brightest and smartest students were those who turned to technical and vocational education, Dr Armah said it is depressing that in recent years there has been a feeling that the TVET education is aimed at dropouts or academically weak students.

He was quick to add that advancing technology, technical equipment and innovation requires people with high skill levels to be the ones to venture into TVET and manage these. equipment to ensure the achievement of our development aspirations.

Kwesimintsim MP hails huge government TVET infrastructure to boost development

“This is how we can change the paradigm towards teaching TVET,” he said.

While calling for a reorientation of parents and students on the need for teaching TVET, he said the government is also trying to ensure a “parity of esteem” between high schools and TVET schools. , through policy reforms and the provision of an equal proportion of funding.

“When TVET is located in schools that are not meant to be privileged schools, people don’t want to study there. They want to study at Mfantsipim because it has a name. It is the result of the structure of our education.

“All over the world the best practice is that TVET is positioned in such a way that they enjoy parity of esteem with the type of grammar and that is exactly what we are doing here in Ghana,” he said. he declared.

Kwesimintsim MP hails huge government TVET infrastructure to boost development

Dr Prince Hamid Armah also mentioned the introduction of TVET service, an institution analogous to GES which is supposed to properly coordinate all TVET and pre-college activities.

He added that Jobs and Skills Projects and Vouchers in Ghana, multi-million dollar investment projects, have also been made available to help fund people with skills and expertise. technical and professional, including master craftsmen.

He challenged young people to take advantage of these opportunities to help boost the country’s economy and development.

The former director general of the National Council for Programs and Evaluation (NaCCA) said the government is not leaving people with disabilities behind, insisting that the government will ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to services. educational institutions in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

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