Kylie Jenner credits success to Kylie Cosmetics


Although Kylie Jenner is the youngest of the KarJenner clan, she quickly became the richest. The 21-year-old mother built an empire with the force of her lips and quickly became the youngest billionaire of Forbes. With an estimated net worth of $ 1 billion, the success of Jenner's makeup company, Kylie Cosmetics, has been overwhelming. Although Jenner is the creative spirit of the brand, she attributes to this person the current situation of her business.

Kylie Jenner
Kylie Jenner | Photo by Kevin Tachman / MG19 / Getty Images for The Met Museum / Vogue)

From Kylie Cosmetics to Kylie Skin & Kylie Baby

Most companies take a long time to achieve even a minimum of success. However, Kylie Cosmetics was making money right after it was launched in 2015. Forbes reported that for the first six weeks only, Kylie Cosmetics had sold $ 54.5 million worth of products. at Ulta. And the company has grown in wealth and success only in the past four years. This year, Jenner has expanded its brand to include skin care and also has the trademark of a baby line. She also came in as the second highest paid celebrity this year, earning $ 170 million.

Pbadion Project

Despite Jenner's driving, she admits that making money is not the driving force behind her brand or her success. "I do not really do it to make money or think too far into the future if it does very well. I just knew my talents and was pbadionate about make-up, lips and lipstick. It's a true love for me as long as I can remember. I did not even know you could really turn your pbadion into a business, you know. I just followed my heart and went with what I felt. Now, I feel so blessed every day to wake up, have fun doing what I love and make it a career. It's amazing, "said the 21-year-old in a recent interview with Arabian Harper's Bazaar.

Kris Jenner

Although Jenner's pbadion and creativity fuel her brand, she knows that another person deserves credit for Kylie Cosmetics' success. This person is none other than his mother and manager, Kris Jenner. Kris Jenner has contributed to the success of the brand because of her business acumen and her exceptional skills in marketing and public relations. The CEO of Kylie Cosmetics has no qualms about giving true recognition to her mother. "I give my mother a lot of credit for the current situation of Kylie Cosmetics. With my creativity and business spirit, we together form the dream team The amazing Kardashian family star admitted.

Kardashian family

For her part, Kris Jenner believes that the management of her children's affairs was a natural progression for her. "When I first entered the business world, it was probably in 1990. I was working with Bruce to help him in his speaker career. This has really opened a lot of doors for me. I had to work and do something good for the family, so that's exactly what I did. As the years pbaded and my children grew up, working with my children seemed natural to me. It started with the older girls, and as Kylie grew up and discovered her true gift in the world of beauty, it was such a pleasure working side by side doing something really fun, "confessed the girl of 63 years.

The ultimate momager

Whatever your opinion on the Kardashian / Jenner family, it is admirable that a mother-daughter pair has managed to achieve so much success in such a short time. Of course, Kylie Jenner was able to see first-hand how Kris Jenner helped launch the careers of her older sisters. It was therefore quite simple to trust the judgment of his mother. Say what you want about Kris Jenner, but she could handle my career every day.

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