Landon Clements shows his support for Ashley Jacobs in a controversial comeback


Southern charm just went into gear in season 6. Why? Ashley Jacobs is back in the series. In a return that shocked and alarmed many of his castmates, Jacobs returned to the series this week, and it was not beautiful. Basically any fan of Southern charm could have expected to come down fell. That is, Jacobs did not apologize for anything and instead made new charges.

Now, Jacobs says Patricia Altschul conspired to denigrate Kathryn Dennis and used Jacobs as a pawn. It's not going well. But Jacobs seems to have a friend or two in his corner, to the surprise of many. Landon Clements has ruled in his defense.

What do actors think of Jacobs' return?

Suffice it to say that the Southern charm The cast was not happy to see Ashley Jacobs among them. The last time they saw Jacobs, she still went out with Thomas Ravenel and was conducting verbal attacks against Kathryn Dennis and Patricia Altschul, denouncing Dennis as an "egg-donor", as opposed to a true mother.

Kathryn Dennis told Entertainment Tonight, "I think nature is going with people like her. I mean, it self-destructs and that's what nature does. It's hard to find words to talk about her because she does not make sense herself. "

Cameran Eubanks agreed, adding, "I was shocked when I saw Ashley. But then, I was not there. I hoped that if she had the sense, she would return to California, where she is from, where she is from, where her family and friends are. I can not believe that she stayed around.

The quarrel with Altschul, claiming the plot

The last we saw from Ashley Jacobs on Southern charmshe was arguing with Patricia Altschul. According to Altschul, that's because Jacobs was attacking and harbading one of his friends. Some fans think that it could be Luzanne Otte, who had a brief romance with Thomas Ravenel, and that Jacobs was attacking him out of jealousy.

Altschul explained his problems with Ravenel and Jacobs on Twitter. "Why are people asking? Because of his campaign of defamation and that of Ashley, his character badbadination, his lies and his willful defamation. "

"And add to this list an innocent friend of mine who was fiercely cyber-bullied by Ashley because of her obsession and insecurity," Altschul tweeted.

However, Jacobs now claims that Altschul has attempted to turn her over against Kathryn Dennis, who is behind all of her bad behaviors. "I took the bait," Jacobs said. "I was a pawn in all that. Everyone says it's Thomas, it's Thomas. Do you want to know who is constantly talking to Kathryn? Patricia. "

Jacobs added, "She's pissed me off. And she would say, "Do not say anything to anyone that I said to you." I believed in Patricia. I mean, I respect her, she can not lie to me. If Catherine is my enemy, it's because Patricia has made me my enemy. She wanted to destroy it. The best way for her to do this was to befriend me.

Landon Clements defends his friend

The Southern Charm star, however, has friends in her corner – Landon Clements defended the star. "I wish everyone could meet the girl I know," she captioned on Instagram.

In May, Jacobs published a photo of two of them spending time together in California, subtitling the following image: "I love this woman! Although we have never been together, she is the only person in the series to be there for me. We were subjected to the wringer and we came out stronger. I feel really lucky to have found such a good support system and a true friend in @alandonclements. Forward and up!

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