Large fleets go green while a large company seizes the opportunity of an electric vehicle


  • Six major companies, Centrica and SSE, will transition electricity to the fleets by 2030 through the Global Climate Initiative EV100 initiative.
  • The Mitie facility management company will deploy thousands of electric vehicles by 2030 and 800 charging points by 2020
  • Centrica operates the third largest commercial fleet in the United Kingdom; SSE and Mitie are also among the largest in the country – with a total footprint of more than 21,000 vehicles

LONDON: Two of the largest energy providers in the UK, Centrica and SSE, have committed to switch to electrical equipment by 2030.

Together with infrastructure services company Mitie, leading utilities have joined the Climate Group's global non-profit initiative EV100, which brings together pioneering and committed companies from around the world to make electric transportation the "new standard" by 2030.

SSE is also committed to doubling its energy productivity by 2030 compared to 2010-2011, by joining the Climate Group's EP100 initiative for energy efficient companies, conducted in partnership with the Alliance to Save Energy.

The companies represent some of the largest purchasers of commercial vehicles in the UK, with a combined footprint of 21,000 vehicles. Centrica operates the 3rd largest fleet in the country, SSE 7th and Mitie 8thth the biggest.

Helen Clarkson, CEO of The Climate Group, I said:

"Faced with the growing demand for clean transport, energy companies are considering electric vehicles and charging infrastructure as the next frontier of investment in the clean and flexible energy system – and the business opportunities are enormous for those who take the lead first.

"These companies send a clear message that the direction of travel for transportation is electric, which encourages their staff and customers to follow. All big companies have to do the same. "

Centrica (joining EV100)

Operator of the third largest commercial fleet in the country, Centrica has more than 12,500 vehicles worldwide and is one of the largest energy providers in the UK for businesses and consumers.

James Rushen, environment manager at Centrica plc, I said:

"The direction our fleet is taking to travel is clear and we are proud to help our customers and the industry as we continue to understand the implications of large-scale EV deployment.

"With a global network of more than 15,000 engineers and technicians and expertise in designing and managing energy solutions through Centrica Business Solutions, I believe we are uniquely positioned to help other companies transition to a transportation system." cleaner, more durable and more durable. effective."

SSE (join EV100 and EP100)

SSE plc is a leading utility in the UK and joins the EV100 and EP100 initiatives to move from fleet to electric and double energy productivity by 2030.

As part of the EV100, SSE will convert its retained fleet * of 3,500 vehicles to electricity and will install charging points for its 21,000 employees.

As a member of EP100, SSE will double its energy productivity by 2030 compared to 2010-2011. To achieve this goal, SSE has already invested US $ 15.4 million in energy efficiency measures in its buildings and depots, resulting in annual operational savings of at least US $ 3.7 million. USD that are reinvested in the projects. These solutions include increased digitization and the transition to cloud computing, which has already seen energy consumption at SBS data center sites drop by 22% since 2016.

Brian McLaren, SSE Director, Change Group, I said:

"Decarbonisation is at the heart of our business and reducing carbon dioxide emissions from transport is essential for the UK to achieve its Net Zero goals.

"As a leading fleet operator and real estate player in the UK and Ireland, the commitments made through EV100 and EP100 are in line with SSE's ambition to provide low-carbon infrastructure in a sustainable way. . "

Mitie (joining EV100)

Mitie is the UK leader in facilities management and professional services. As the fleet is responsible for 93% of Mitie's carbon footprint, the company is committed to increasing its fleet of 5,300 vehicles to electricity by 2030, subject to the availability and affordability of vehicles. adequate infrastructure and public charging infrastructure. In addition, Mitie is committed to helping his customers join the electrification adventure.

The company is committed to transferring 20% ​​of its fleet of 3,500 light commercial vehicles and cars to the EV and to install 800 new charging stations by the end of 2020 in its offices and at its customers, as well as at home employees.

Simon King, Fleet and Purchasing Manager, Mitie, I said:

"We want to drive changes in the facility management sector and this is an important step in the fight against climate change. We want to make sure our large fleet is as green and sustainable as possible and show other companies that switching to electric vehicles is the right thing for their citizens, the planet and their pockets.

"It's a challenge, but we must all take responsibility for the actions and commit to change. We also want to accompany our customers on the journey by helping them to make similar moves for their own fleets. "

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