Latest News: More than 2,000 people receive a vaccine booster in the event of mumps outbreaks


PHILADELPHIA – Latest news about an outbreak of mumps at Temple University (local time):


More than 2,000 students and faculty members benefited from free vaccines injected at the Philadelphia Temple University to try to contain an outbreak of mumps.

City health officials said nearly 2,300 people were shot on Wednesday at the first of two MMR clinics.

The health department of the city said that on Wednesday, the number of confirmed and probable cases of mumps at school reached 106.

The MMR vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella will be available again for all students, faculty and Temple staff on Friday.

Lauryn Edmondson, a 20-year-old communications major, was among those who received a booster shot on Wednesday. She says she was initially scared by the epidemic (backslash), but now focuses only on the facts.

Mumps is a viral infection that involves swollen glands.


While the number of mumps cases reaches over 100 at Temple University, the school is offering free booster shots to try to contain the outbreak.

A line of hundreds of students and staff waiting for the shots hit the sidewalk Wednesday morning on the Philadelphia campus.

The city's health department said that as of Tuesday, the number of confirmed and probable cases in the school would have reached 105.

The MMR vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella will be available to all Temple students, faculty and staff on Wednesday and Friday.

Lauryn Edmondson, a 20-year-old communications major, was on the list. She says she was initially frightened by the outbreak, but now focuses only on the facts.

Mumps is a viral infection that involves swollen glands.

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