Launch of the eighth edition of E.Tv Ghana, Japan Motors Corporate Run | Athletics


E.TV Ghana, in partnership with Japan Motors, launched the 9th edition of the e. Walking and Walking TV companies Ghana / Japan Motors.

Kwame Nkrumah's Corporate Run and Walk at the Silver Star Tower on September 21 aims to bring together Ghanaian businesses to promote a healthy lifestyle and create opportunities networking through physical activity.

Speaking at the launch on Tuesday, July 16, 2019 at the Silver Star Tower, Ms. Nosisa Doe, head of eTV TV Ghana, delivered a speech on behalf of Mr. Ernest Boateng, Executive Director. from the Global Media Alliance Group, inviting the first riders to join the annual 5 km race, which provides corporate institutions with a platform to network in a healthy environment.

& # 39; & # 39; Corporate Run is nine years old this year, so those who have never participated in the race should join the board on September 21, 2019 to do some exercise with their colleagues and other companies, but also to find the inspiration and motivation needed to improve their overall health by staying active " & # 39; she says.

She added that 7 GHc of each recording will be set aside and later donated to the Ghana Blind Union as a form of support for the union. It is a corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative that the two entities have been leading for 8 years.

"A percentage of the proceeds from the event will also be donated to the Union of the Blind of Ghana. That's what e.TV Ghana and Japan Motors do every year to support the Ghana Blind Union through Corporate Run, "said Ms. Nosisa Doe.

Mr. Salah Kwaku Kalmoni, Event Director for Corporate Run, explained that the 5 km run would start at 6 am, from Silver Star stations at Station 37, continuing up to the traffic lights. El-Wak, then left of the airport. roundabout, at the traffic lights of the airport and end at the Silver Star Towers. Other activities that will take place that day include a dance competition, a fun aerobics session, a VIP breakfast, and awards.

He added that the registration fee for a single entry is 30 GHS, while the registration fee for a group of five people is 300 GHS and that customers are guaranteed to win great prizes.

"We have exciting prize packages for the winners. We invite Ghanaian companies to join us. We also invite institutions to invite sponsors, "said Salah Kalmoni.

Registration centers include e.TV Ghana and Happy FM – Asylum Down, Silver Star Tower – Airport City and YFM – Accra Mall.

Ghana Blind Union Coordinator Bismarck Amoa expressed gratitude to e.TV Ghana and Japan Motors for their participation in the Corporate Run event.

"E.TV Ghana and Japan Motors have been part of Corporate Run for nine years and we are grateful to them. Inclusion is not just about money, it's about giving people like us an opportunity to participate in socially inclusive activities and these two organizations have given us that, " did he declare.

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