Lauren Child pays tribute to "generous" Judith Kerr


Children's author Judith Kerr died at the age of 95.

Mostly famous for his book The Tiger that came to tea and his series of Mog books, Kerr continued to work until the nineties and published his latest book, Mummy Time, last September.

Sending to BBC News, fellow author and children's laureate Lauren Child – who wrote the Charlie and Lola series of books – remembers her close friend as "one of the most generous people I've ever seen." Have never met ".

"I am a great admirer of her work and as a writer and illustrator, she was wonderful, but more than that, she was a good friend," she said.

"I met her for the first time, I do not know how many there are now, maybe ten years ago, and I've always thought she was there." one of the most generous people to talk to about work

She was so interested in other writers and illustrators and always asked questions, not one of those people who expected people to talk about her, even though she was incredibly interesting and talented . She always wanted to know what everyone was doing. "

A few more thoughts of the child …

The lasting appeal of the tiger who came to the tea

I mean, people have different opinions. But I think it's a very rebaduring story. It's a magical story, to be at home with your mother in a very safe place and this creature comes in and it's actually not threatening and you get this interesting and rather amazing adventure.

But that ends wonderfully well, so you end up with that feeling of regret because you know it will never come back. But you had this amazing experience.

Because she's putting her in a kitchen, which is pretty recognizable, it could be just about anyone. So, it has a universal appeal.

The tiger was nice, not fierce

Kerr's pbadion for his work

She has such a light touch in her story, she was so spared. She tells the story so perfectly without much drama. One of his recent books, titled Mummy Time, talks about going to the park with your child and you are on the phone as many parents are desperate to talk to someone else. and you go to the park and the child is wandering having this amazing adventure.

I remember a reporter who had said, "Oh, you know, does it matter? Tell parents that you should spend more time talking with your child and interacting? But she said: "No, it's just something I've observed." And she did not have to pbad judgment in her work. It just beautifully conveyed something without hitting people above the head.

I talked to her on the phone last week to find out how she was doing. She was so happy to have finished her book. Because it mattered to him a lot. She was very attached to her work. And she worked all the time. So every time we spoke, she told me about the book she was working on.

Kerr received a medal from the Order of the British Empire (OBE), awarded by the Prince of Wales in 2013

The legacy of Kerr and its impact on children's literature

I do not remember her embarrbaded. I did some events with her, so I was there when people came to see her and you could see how excited they were when meeting her.

I mean, it was really such a profound thing when people came to see her and she was so kind. She was not clumsy. I think she was just interested in others, but I think she liked talking to people. I mean, she liked doing events. And she was doing them, you know, until recently. I think it's only when she became a little fragile that she could not.

But she liked to meet people, talk about work and talk about things.

It's pretty hard to talk about someone you love so much, there is so much that I could say about it, one thing I loved most about it was its sense of how 39; humor. She was always the most interesting person in the room.

You entered a room and I was always going to Judith because you still had the most fantastic conversation.

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