Lauren London breaks her silence after Nipsey Hussle's death


Two days after the tragic death of Nipsey Hussle, Lauren London, who had frequented the rapper, broke her silence today (April 2).

Posting a picture of Nipsey on his Instagram account, London talks about the pain of losing the Los Angeles Respectful Rapper. "I am completely lost I lost my best friend My sanctuary

My protector My soul … I am lost without you We are lost without you baby, I do not have words ", reads in the legend written by London, who had a son and a daughter of Nipsey.

The post, which has been appreciated more than a million times in just 20 minutes, has elicited sympathetic comments from the celebrity world.

"I am so sorry … to pray for you every day." My heart is breaking for you. I send you love to raise you, "wrote La La Anthony, media personality." Love you Lauren has all prayed for your little girl, "added model Lira Galore.

"We love and support you and the children." Wegotchu, "wrote actress Gabrielle Union.

For her part, Jennifer Lopez wrote: "To send you love and pray that God will give you and your family all the strength you may need during this time ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥. "

The message from London arrives a few hours later Eric Holder arrested by law enforcement in Los AngelesAccording to the Los Angeles Police Department, the 29-year-old Los Angeles police officer killed the rapper after a personal argument at the rapper's clothing store, The Marathon, on Sunday, March 31.

Check out London's sincere post about Nipsey.

See the pictures of the scene of the fatal shooting of Nipsey Hussle

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