Law on combating domestic violence: women's dynamism and activism – Prof Gadzekpo


General News of Saturday, June 8, 2019



Audrey Gadzekpo   Audrey Gadzekpo, Dean of the School of Information and Communication of the University

The Dean of the School of Information and Communication of the University of Ghana, Audrey Gadzekpo, does not share the view of the President, namely that it is not necessary to There is not enough dynamism and activism among the women of the country.

At the Women's Deliver conference held this week in Canada, President Akufo-Addo called on women to push for greater inclusion in Ghana's political administration, as they represent 52 percent of the country's population. country.

He told the women's advocates meeting: "We do not see enough dynamism and activism on the part of those who are looking for it. I speak of dynamism where it counts … electing members of Parliament, controlling political parties, because it is they who allow our societies to make decisions.

"We are talking about decisions, not wishes and hopes, we are talking about decisions that will make a difference," added President Akufo-Addo.

The defenders who were clearly unimpressed at the conference did not hide their disapproval of the president's comments. He was also criticized at home.

Women's rights groups in the country have not only been appalled by the comments, but they have also felt extremely embarrbaded for the man who has been crowned champion of gender in Africa by the African Union. .

Professor Gadzekpo, who disagrees with the comments of the President, said that his statement worthy of the name was wrong in many respects.

"No one in this country will challenge the dynamism of our women. From market to other spaces, the dynamism of women surrounds us.

"Women's and gender NGOs have been very dynamic. If it was not for their dynamism, we would not have the act of domestic violence for example. It is a coalition of women's NGOs and gender parity advocates that made this possible, "said the communication professor.

She cited the work of many other women's and gender organizations, such as Abantu for Development – an agency for the advancement of women led by women – that brought together a coalition that produced the Women's Manifesto (a document that clarified for presidential candidates to improve the country's gender indicators.)

"It's activism, dynamism," she said, highlighting the efforts of women's NGOs to make district bademblies more women than they are now.

"So, by the time he says" people are not dynamic, "we ask" what is he looking at, what is he waiting for? ", S & dquo; Questioned Professor Gadzekpo.

Women in politics

On the wider discussion of why there are not enough women in political administration, Prof. Gadzekpo relates this to what it describes as a systemic structural barrier.

The conversation, for her, should focus on how these systemic barriers can be removed and perhaps, if necessary, reconsider the issue of constitutional reform if women are to move forward.

She described the history of the Fourth Republic by ensuring equal representation of women as an abominable insistence that it was time for the issue to be examined in a bold and radical way.

In his opinion, the president has the power to do more, because his current performance is poor.

"I really hope that the President will stop and ask himself" what I said in the forum that provoked the heckling of these people ", instead of listening to all the "yay sayers" and those who try to comfort him by saying "you were right", she advised.

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