Let's develop our own education models – Prof Opoku-Agyemang


Kodjo Adams, RNG

Accra, July 19, GNA – Professor Jane Naana
Opoku-Agyemang, former Minister of Education, stressed the need for Ghana
develop their own models of education to respond to their particular situation.

She said that the nation could not keep
to experiment and that even "if we are to learn from others, let us seek the

"When we pretend that one model exists in another
country, let us know what opportunity this model, how it is evaluated and how
bottlenecks are removed, and what researchers say about it
option, "she added.

Prof Opoku-Agyemang made the call to the 7th
John Evans Atta Mills Memorial Lecture held in Accra on the theme; "Including
Education for sustainable development ".

It was organized by the Ghana Institute of
Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) in collaboration with the Government
and the University of Cape Coast.

She warned that the reform of the nation
education without a serious evaluation of previous reforms would be a waste, a loss of productivity,
insensitive and downright destructive.

"We need a long-term development plan
for the country. We need to know how we have managed the system in the past and
which created the problems we are now trying to solve. "

Prof Opoku-Agyemang called for a paradigm
change that embraced all the people on the margins and created an environment that would
allow them to operate in a center.

Education, she said, should indicate the
future by meeting the real needs of the people – give them the confidence
and skills to build a prosperous country.

Education must create an environment that
has allowed the mind to continuously develop new ways of dealing with existing and emerging issues.
issues through critical thinking, creativity and innovation.

She noted that a pan-African approach would make it possible to
help the continent to progress in the fight against poverty, to achieve the objectives
economic transformation and industrialization.

The former minister said the deceased president
Atta Mills' goal in education was to ensure the quality and
equity, based on equity and responsible citizenship.

She said under the gaze of fire
President, there was an increase in the ratio of textbooks compared to the national average of
a manual for three children to four textbooks for each child, reduction of
teacher absenteeism and strengthening of the management of education.

All these interventions were aimed at quality
results and ensuring that no children are left behind.

Pr Philip Ebow Bondzi-Simpson, Rector
of GIMPA, described former President Atta Mills as a statesman who contributed
immensely to the development of the country.

"Prof Atta Mills was a great person to
all the standards, "he added.


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