Letter: Changing Data Rules Threatens Market Research Industry


Updates to the letter

For those of us in the market research industry, the UK government’s proposal to reform data protection laws, and in particular to remove the right to have human review of automated decisions, is cause for concern (” Britain’s plan to ditch EU data rule on AI decision – sounding the alarm ‘, Report, September 10).

The UK market research industry is worth around £ 7 billion and is second in the world after the US. Informed consent is the basis of public confidence in our industry and gives us our license to operate. This includes the right to submit and have personal data evaluated by algorithms, with the understanding that decisions can be appealed and returned to an individual upon request. If this were to be removed or restricted, it would undermine confidence in the use of data, thus damaging associated industries across the country. This includes the world leading UK market research industry which relies on people who are confident enough in the system to share their data.

The Market Research Society, acting on behalf of the UK market research industry, has helped shape current EU rules because we have recognized the fundamental importance of this principle, enshrined in Article 22.

Innovative thinking is welcome, but not at the expense of fundamental rights.

Jane frost
Managing Director, Market Research Society London EC1, United Kingdom

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